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Coriolan Ardouin
A un ami / To a Friend
Translation By
Dylan Veit
Translator Biography
Dylan Veit has been taking French classes for seven years, and is now majoring in French at Stockton University. He is spending the spring 2023 semester abroad in La Rochelle, France.
Publication Date
English language translation of Coriolan Ardouin's "A un ami" by Dylan Veit. Read by Imane Nayyar.
A un ami / To a Friend
English language translation of Coriolan Ardouin's "A un ami" by Dylan Veit. Read by Imane Nayyar.
Original Work
La foule est insensible au vieux toit qui s'écroule,
A l'oiseau qui s'envole, au murmure de l'eau;
Et pour elle le monde est toujours assez beau;
Mais nous qui ne brûlons que de la pure flamme,
Mon ami, notre monde est le monde de l'âme;
Tout n'est que vanités, que misères et douleurs;
Le cœur de l'homme juste est un vase de pleurs.
Translated Work
The mob is indifferent to the old roof that falls apart,
To the bird that flies away, to the murmur of the water;
And for it the world is always this beautiful;
But we who only burn of the pure flame;
My friend, our world is the world of soul;
All that is only futile, only misery and pain;
The heart of a just man is a vase of tears.