Montclair State University Digital Commons - Les Phares haïtiens: 19th-Century Haitian Luminaries in Translation: Le Serpent et L’Homme: Fable / The Serpent and the Man: A Fable

Jules-Solime Milscent

Le Serpent et L’Homme: Fable / The Serpent and the Man: A Fable


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Jules-Solime Milscent

Translation By

Clara Signorin

Translator Biography

Clara Signorin is an aspiring French teacher who wishes to spread her love of languages to others.

Publication Date



English language translation of Jules-Solime Milscent's "Le Serpent et l'Homme: Fable" by Clara Signorin.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Le Serpent et L’Homme: Fable / The Serpent and the Man: A Fable

English language translation of Jules-Solime Milscent's "Le Serpent et l'Homme: Fable" by Clara Signorin.

Original Work

Le Serpent et L’Homme: Fable

Autre fois un serpent, se traînant sur le ventre,

Sur un roc élevé parvint à se loger,

Tandis que, cheminant sur ses pieds, dans un antre

Un homme fut contraint d'emménager.

Le reptile, enflé de gloire

De se trouver voisin des cieux,

A son compétiteur osait chanter victoire,

Le raillant d'habiter en si sombre lieux.

L'homme lui répondit d'une voix douce et fière,

Mais sans chagrin ni colère : "Je serais parvenu sur ce mont escarpé,

Si, comme toi, j'avais rampé”.

Poem by Jules-Solime Milscent

Anthologized in Morpeau, 35

Translated Work

The Serpent and the Man: A Fable

There once was a snake, slithering on its belly,

To the high rock it managed to reach,

Meanwhile, traveling by foot through a cave

A man was obliged to settle down.

The reptile, puffed up with glory

For being closest to heaven,

Dared declare victory to his competitor,

Mocking him for living in such a dark place.

The man responded with a voice gentle and confident,

Devoid of anger or resentment:

“I, too, would have reached this steep mountain,

If, like you, I had groveled.”

Translation by Clara Signorin, 2023

