Ignace Nau

La Mouche-à-feu / Lightning Bug (verse)



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Ignace Nau

Translation By

Emeline Frix

Translator Biography

Emeline Frix is pursuing an MA in Professional French Translation at Montclair State University where she works as Graduate Assistant for the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Originally from Belgium, she is fluent in French and English.

Publication Date



English translation of Ignace Nau's "La Mouche-à-feu" by Emeline Frix


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

La Mouche-à-feu / Lightning Bug (verse)

English translation of Ignace Nau's "La Mouche-à-feu" by Emeline Frix

Original Work

Le jour tombe et s’efface

Va, monte, redescends,

Vole, passe et repasse,

Sans cesse dans l’espace.

Etoile voyageuse,

Petite mouche-à-feu,

Si vive et si joyeuse,

A l’œil suave et bleu.

De parterre en parterre,

A feu de tes éclairs,

Va toujours solitaire,

Quêter avec mystère

Les parfums les plus chers.

Sous la haie odorante,

C’est la belle-de-nuit

A la robe brillante,

Qui s’ouvre chatoyante

A la lune qui luit.

Vole, brille et bourdonne,

Emplis-toi des senteurs

Que la brise te donne ;

Car la nuit se couronne,

D’étoile et de fleurs.

Poem by Ignace Nau, read by Emeline Frix

Translated Work

The sun sets and fades

Leaves, rises, descends,

Flies, passes, and pervades,

Never-ending space promenades.

Traveling star,

Little lightning bug,

So lively and happy you are,

Looking blue and snug.

Flowerbeds a-hopping,

Aglow with your lightning,

Solitarily wondering,

Mysteriously seeking

Perfumes most enriching.

Beneath the fragrant shrubbery,

The four o’clocks of June*

With a gown of luxury,

Which opens so shimmery

To the gleaming moon.

Shine, buzz, and fly down,

Fill yourself with the odors

Of the breeze that is around;

Because the night wears a crown,

Of stars and flowers.

Translated by Emeline Frix, 2022