Virginie Sampeur
L’Abandonnée / The Abandoned Woman
Translation By
Ann-Ysabelle Flynn
Translator Biography
Ann-ysabelle Flynn is pursuing a BS in Biology with a minor in French at Montclair State University. She speaks English, French, and Haitian Creole and one day aspires to be a pediatric surgeon. Ann-ysabelle spends her free time being adventurous or working out at the gym.
Publication Date
English translation of Virginie Sampeur's L’Abandonnée by Ann-Ysabelle Flynn
L’Abandonnée / The Abandoned Woman
English translation of Virginie Sampeur's L’Abandonnée by Ann-Ysabelle Flynn
Original Work
Ah ! si vous étiez mort ! De mon âme meurtrie
Je ferais une tombe, où, retraite chérie,
Mes larmes couleraient lentement, sans remords:
Que votre image en moi resterait radieuse!
Que sous le deuil mon âme aurait été joyeuse!
Ah! si vous étiez mort!
Je ferais de mon coeur l'urne mélancolique
Abritant du passé la suave relique,
Comme ces coffrets d'or qui gardent les parfums:
Je ferais de mon âme une ardente chapelle
Où toujours brillerait la dernière étincelle
De mes espoirs défunts.
Ah ! si vous étiez mort, votre éternel silence,
Moins âpre qu’en ce jour, aurait son éloquence,
Car ce ne serait plus le cruel abandon.
Je dirais: "Il est mort, mais il sait bien m'entendre,
"Et peut-être en mourant n'a-t-il su se défendre
"De murmurer: Pardon!"
Mais vous n'êtes pas mort! ô douleur sans mesure!
Regret qui fait jaillir le sang de ma blessure!
Je ne puis m'empêcher, moi, de me souvenir,
Même quand vous restez devant mes larmes vraies,
Sec et froid, sans donner à mes profondes plaies
L'aumône d'un soupir!...
Ingrat ! vous vivez donc, quand tout me dit: vengeance !
Mais je n’écoute pas ! A défaut d’espérance,
Le passé par instants revient, me berce encor... Illusion, folie, ou vain rêve de femme!...
Je vous aimerais tant, si vous n'étiez qu'une âme!
Ah! que n'êtes-vous mort!
Poem by Virginie Sampeur
(anthologized in Morpeau 89-90)
Translated Work
Ah! If you were dead! I would make a tomb
Of my wounded soul, where, darling retreat,
My tears would fall slowly, without remorse:
How your image would remain radiant within me!
How in mourning my soul would have been glad!
Ah! If you were dead!
I would make of my heart a melancholy urn
Housing the smooth relic of the past,
Like caskets of gold that guard perfume:
I would make of my soul a chapelle ardente*
Where the last spark
Of my dead hopes would forever shine.
Ah! If you were dead, your eternal silence,
Would have an eloquence less harsh than today's
For it would not be cruel abandonment.
I would say: “he is dead, but he can hear me,
And maybe while dying, he might have
Murmured: 'Sorry!'”
But you are not dead! O pain beyond measure!
Regret that bursts the blood from my wound!
I cannot stop myself from remembering,
Even when you stand, dry and cold, before my true tears
Without according my deep wounds.
Even the balm of a sigh!...
Ungrateful! You live when everything says: vengeance!
But I do not listen! For lack of hope
The past returns bit by bit, cradling me again,...
Illusion, madness or vain dreams of a woman!...
I would love you so much, if you were only a soul!
Ah! why aren’t you dead!
Translated by Ann-Ysabelle Flynn, 2022
*Translator's Note: a "chapelle ardente" is a special chapel for commemorating important people before their burial.