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Virginie Sampeur
Puisque le ciel t'envoie / Since Heaven Has Sent You
Translation By
Litzy Rafael-Osorio
Translator Biography
Litzy Rafael-Osorio is a language and culture studies major at Stockton University. She likes to read, listen to music, and watch movies in her spare time.
Publication Date
English language translation of Virginie Sampeur's poem "Puisque le ciel t'envoie" by Litzy Rafael-Osorio
Puisque le ciel t'envoie / Since Heaven Has Sent You
English language translation of Virginie Sampeur's poem "Puisque le ciel t'envoie" by Litzy Rafael-Osorio
Original Work
Puisque le ciel t'envoie
Fortune, amour et joie,
Tu peux bien m'oublier;
Vis sans inquiétude,
Et dans la solitude,
Pour toi je vais prier !
Si le bonheur te quitte,
Reçois-tu la visite
De la sombre douleur,
Ami, pense à moi; vole
Vers celle qui console,
Viens pleurer sur mon coeur.
Poem by Virginie Sampeur
Read by Litzy Rafael-Osorio
Translated Work
Since heaven has sent you
Fortune, love and joy too,
You may well forget me;
Live without restlessness,
And in my emptiness,
I’ll devote prayers to thee!
If happiness does flee,
And gives you melancholy
Before you fall apart,
Friend, remember me; fly
Towards she on whom you can rely,
Come cry upon my heart.
Translated by Litzy Rafael-Osorio, 2023