Montclair State University Digital Commons - Les Phares haïtiens: 19th-Century Haitian Luminaries in Translation: Midi tropical / Noon in the Tropics

Duraciné Vaval

Midi tropical / Noon in the Tropics


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Duraciné Vaval

Translation By

Luka Buncic

Translator Biography

Luka Buncic is a student at Stockton University with a major in Psychology and a minor in French. As an aspiring counselor, he considers studying French important for communicating with and helping as many people as possible.

Publication Date



English language translation of Duraciné Vaval's "Midi tropical" by Luka Buncic.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

Midi tropical / Noon in the Tropics

English language translation of Duraciné Vaval's "Midi tropical" by Luka Buncic.

Original Work

Midi sonne. Reposons-nous sous ce manguier.

Le gazon brûle. C'est à peine si les palmes

Bougent. Les grands bœufs roux au pâturage calme

Dorment en poursuivant leur rêve familier.

Regarde ces chevaux alezans qui se penchent

Sur l'humble filet d'eau : leurs yeux sont assoupis !

Il fait si chaud que l'on n'entend guère de bruits.

Des tacos gris de fer s'enfoncent sous les branches,

Cette journée est très accablante. À mon cœur,

Élargis-toi jusqu'à l'horizon de silence,

Contemple ce ciel vaste où s'étend l'indolence,

Et qu'embrase un soleil opulent et vainqueur

Qui verse sur le morne et sur la plaine entière

La morne majesté de ses flots de lumière !

Poem by Duraciné Vaval

Read by Laetitia Zicchinella

Translated Work

High noon. Let’s rest under this mango tree.

The grass burns. The palm leaves are barely here,

Moving. In the calm pasture the big red steer

Sleep, pursuing their familiar dream.

Watch these chestnut horses who lean in patches

Over the tranquil trickle of water : dozing in poise!

It’s so hot we hardly hear any noise

Iron gray taco birds rustle under branches,

This day is oppressive. Oh my heart,

Expand yourself to the horizon of silence

Contemplate this vast sky of stretched indifference,

Kindled by an opulent and triumphant day’s start

That covers the hills and the entire prairie

With the majestic gloom that waves of light carry!

Translation by Luka Buncic, 2023

