Montclair State University Digital Commons - Les Phares haïtiens: 19th-Century Haitian Luminaries in Translation: La Prière du soir / The Evening Prayer

Duraciné Vaval

La Prière du soir / The Evening Prayer


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Duraciné Vaval

Translation By

Monica Rodriguez Escobar

Translator Biography

Monica Rodriguez Escobar is an Environmental Science major also minoring in French, Victimology, and Cannabis Studies at Stockton University. She hopes to continue to learn about cultures and traditions of all kinds to better understand the world around her and to cultivate curiosity.

Publication Date



English translation of Duraciné Vaval's La Prière du soir by Monica Rodriguez Escobar. Read by Imane Nayyar.


Jan 1st, 12:00 AM

La Prière du soir / The Evening Prayer

English translation of Duraciné Vaval's La Prière du soir by Monica Rodriguez Escobar. Read by Imane Nayyar.

Original Work

La Prière du soir

Le soleil se couchait au vermeil horizon

Et la brise apportait les rumeurs des savanes,

Le murmure attendri des vastes champs de cannes

Avec la bonne senteur de la fenaison.

En face d’un moulin recouvert de feuillages,

Se dressait, dans la plaine, au détour passager,

Une tombe dormant sous la mousse sauvage

Et les neigeuses fleurs d’un inculte oranger.

L’Angélus, tout là-bas retentit en cadence.

Alors, devant la tombe, à genoux, l’air contrit,

Une fillette dit sa prière, -- sans bruit.

Et l’horizon plongé dans une brume dense

Semblait à ce moment un temple au dôme noir

Et nu, d’où montait l’humble prière du soir.

Poem by Duraciné Vaval

Translated Work

The Evening Prayer

The sun was setting on the vermilion horizon

The breeze bringing rumbles from the savannas,

And the soft rustling of vast cane fields

Along with the splendid scent of haymaking.

In front of a windmill covered in foliage,

Stood tall, in the plains, at the passing detour,

A still tomb under wild moss

And the snowy flowers of a wild orange tree.

The Angelus, everything there resounds rhythmically.

Then, in front of the tomb, on her knees, with remorseful air,

A little girl said her prayer — silently.

And the horizon plunged into a dense mist

It appeared to be a temple with a black dome

And bare, from which rose the humble evening prayer.

Translated by Monica Rodriguez Escobar

