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Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research
Social anxiety is highly prevalent but goes untreated. Although school-based CBT programs are efficacious when delivered by specialized psychologists, it is unclear whether school counselors can implement these interventions effectively, which is essential to promote sustainable school programs. We present an initial consultation strategy to support school counselor implementation of group CBT for social anxiety and an evaluation of counselors' treatment fidelity. Counselors were highly adherent to the treatment, but competence varied based on measurement. Counselors and consultants demonstrated good agreement for adherence, but relatively modest correspondence in competence ratings. We discuss future directions for school-based implementation efforts informed by these initial findings.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Masia, Carrie; Brice, Chad; Esseling, Petra G.; Stewart, Catherine E.; Mufson, Laura; and Herzig, Kathleen, "Consultants' Perceptions of School Counselors' Ability to Implement An Empirically-Based Intervention for Adolescent Social Anxiety Disorder" (2013). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 155.