Parental Factors Associated with Social Anxiety: Methodological Limitations and Suggestions for Integrated Behavioral Research
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Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice
The quality of social relationships is a strong predictor of later adjustment. Thus, it is crucial to identify those environmental factors that lead to appropriate versus deficient childhood social relations. Parent-child interaction is one important context to examine due to the crucial role that the family environment plays in children's social development. This article reviews the parental factors associated with social anxiety, integrating the literature from various fields within psychology. Methodological limitations of this research are discussed, pointing to ambiguous constructs, limited assessment procedures, lack of research integration, and reliance on cognitive interpretations. Finally, suggestions are made for future investigations to clarify the definition of constructs and allow for more precise specification of the parental behaviors associated with social anxiety.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Masia, Carrie and Morris, Tracy L., "Parental Factors Associated with Social Anxiety: Methodological Limitations and Suggestions for Integrated Behavioral Research" (1998). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 356.
Published Citation
Masia, C. L., & Morris, T. L. (1998). Parental factors associated with social anxiety: Methodological limitations and suggestions for integrated behavioral research. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice, 5(2), 211–228.