The Value of Workplace Safety: A Time-Based Utility Analysis Model
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Journal / Book Title
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
The economic impact of a combined behavioral and ergonomic safety intervention in two self-insured manufacturing organizations over four years was assessed through use of utility analysis. Overall utility of the safety intervention programs for both organizations was positive, with rates of return of direct costs in worker's compensation exceeding 10:1 in some cases. These data are among the first to address the economic costs and benefits of safety interventions, and show that whereas safety interventions can be costly and payoffs sometimes delayed, the long-term economic impact can be substantial.
MSU Digital Commons Citation
Hantula, Donald A.; Rajala, Amy K.; Brecher Kellerman, Ellyn G.; and Bragger, Jennifer, "The Value of Workplace Safety: A Time-Based Utility Analysis Model" (2001). Department of Psychology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works. 543.
Published Citation
Hantula, D. A., Rajala, A. K., Brecher Kellerman, E. G., & DeNicolis Bragger, J. L. (2001). The Value of Workplace Safety: A Time-Based Utility Analysis Model. Journal of Organizational Behavior Management, 21(2), 79–98.