Scale Development for Perceived School Climate for Girls’ Physical Activity

Document Type


Publication Date

Summer 5-2005

Journal / Book Title

American Journal of Health Behavior


Objectives: To test an original scale assessing perceived school climate for girls' physical activity in middle school girls. Methods: Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modeling (SEM). Results: CFA retained 5 of 14 original items. A model with 2 correlated factors, perceptions about teachers' and boys' behaviors, respectively, fit the data well in both sixth and eighth-graders. SEM detected a positive, significant direct association of the teacher factor, but not the boy factor, with girls' self-reported physical activity. Conclusions: School climate for girls' physical activity is a measurable construct, and preliminary evidence suggests a relationship with physical activity.



Published Citation

Birnbaum, Amanda S., Kelly R. Evenson, Robert W. Motl, Rod K. Dishman, Carolyn C. Voorhees, James F. Sallis, John P. Elder, and Marsha Dowda. "Scale development for perceived school climate for girls' physical activity." American journal of health behavior 29, no. 3 (2005): 250-257.
