Decreasing Barriers for Teens: Evaluation of a New Teenage Pregnancy Prevention Strategy in School-Based Clinics

Document Type


Publication Date

Winter 11-2003

Journal / Book Title

American Journal of Public Health (AJPH)


Sidebottom et al seek to evaluate the effects of the change in distribution systems on students' receipt of requested contraceptives and demand for contraceptive school-based clinics (SBC). The result of the study reveals that the average number of requests per student was higher under the voucher system, possibly as a consequence of expires vouchers resulting in repeated requests. The findings also suggest that SBCs could go a step further in reducing adolescents' barriers to accessing contraceptives by adopting an on-site direct delivery system..



Published Citation

Sidebottom, Abbey, Amanda S. Birnbaum, and Sarah Stoddard Nafstad. "Decreasing barriers for teens: Evaluation of a new teenage pregnancy prevention strategy in school-based clinics." American Journal of Public Health 93, no. 11 (2003): 1890-1892.
