Montclair State University Digital Commons - Student Research Symposium: Computational modeling of the impact of functional groups on asphaltene aggregates via Random Phase Approximation

Computational modeling of the impact of functional groups on asphaltene aggregates via Random Phase Approximation

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Hendrik Eshuis

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2023 9:45 AM

End Date

26-4-2023 10:44 AM


Van der Waals interactions play a crucial role in hydrocarbon chemistry. Computing van der Waals interactions becomes problematic when implemented in computational chemistry. The use of efficient density functional methods fail to describe weak interactions and more accurate wave-function based methods are too computationally expensive to be applied to large systems. The use of random phase approximation (RPA) is what will be proposed to include van der Waals interactions in hydrocarbon reaction mechanisms. A unique property relating to asphaltenes is their capability to stack on each other. Aromatic rings found in these structures introduce pi-stacking into the system, which contributes greatly to the stacking effect. The type and number of functional groups attached to the hydrocarbons may affect the binding energy of the system as well. With the use of RPA, we can quantitate the effectiveness of the cooperative binding in asphaltenes and gain a deeper insight on these systems. Additionally, high-level theory (DLPNO-CCSD(T)) can be used to obtain very accurate data for smaller systems and tight-binding methods to model very large clusters. All calculations will be done using TURBOMOLE with a CREST extension. BASH scripts were written to streamline the large number of calculations and analyze the data. The modeling of molecules will be done using Avogadro. Tight-binding in conjunction with metadynamics was employed to sample the conformational space.

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Apr 26th, 9:45 AM Apr 26th, 10:44 AM

Computational modeling of the impact of functional groups on asphaltene aggregates via Random Phase Approximation

Van der Waals interactions play a crucial role in hydrocarbon chemistry. Computing van der Waals interactions becomes problematic when implemented in computational chemistry. The use of efficient density functional methods fail to describe weak interactions and more accurate wave-function based methods are too computationally expensive to be applied to large systems. The use of random phase approximation (RPA) is what will be proposed to include van der Waals interactions in hydrocarbon reaction mechanisms. A unique property relating to asphaltenes is their capability to stack on each other. Aromatic rings found in these structures introduce pi-stacking into the system, which contributes greatly to the stacking effect. The type and number of functional groups attached to the hydrocarbons may affect the binding energy of the system as well. With the use of RPA, we can quantitate the effectiveness of the cooperative binding in asphaltenes and gain a deeper insight on these systems. Additionally, high-level theory (DLPNO-CCSD(T)) can be used to obtain very accurate data for smaller systems and tight-binding methods to model very large clusters. All calculations will be done using TURBOMOLE with a CREST extension. BASH scripts were written to streamline the large number of calculations and analyze the data. The modeling of molecules will be done using Avogadro. Tight-binding in conjunction with metadynamics was employed to sample the conformational space.