Montclair State University Digital Commons - Student Research Symposium: The Effects of Chitinase-1 on Brugia malayi

The Effects of Chitinase-1 on Brugia malayi

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

John Siekierka

Access Type


Start Date

26-4-2023 9:45 AM

End Date

26-4-2023 10:44 AM


Filariasis is a neglected parasitic disease that predominately inflicts excessive lymphatic swelling in people in Southeast Asia. Brugia malayi is the mosquito vector parasite responsible for causing lymphatic system edema, which most often causes life-long physical disability and stigma, rather than death. Brugia malayi is known to have a cuticle composed of a polysaccharide, chitin. Our research, therefore, is investigating the effects chitinase-1 enzyme has on the integrity of the cuticle, whether the depolymerization of chitin is present, and also if a motility impediment is visible.

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Apr 26th, 9:45 AM Apr 26th, 10:44 AM

The Effects of Chitinase-1 on Brugia malayi

Filariasis is a neglected parasitic disease that predominately inflicts excessive lymphatic swelling in people in Southeast Asia. Brugia malayi is the mosquito vector parasite responsible for causing lymphatic system edema, which most often causes life-long physical disability and stigma, rather than death. Brugia malayi is known to have a cuticle composed of a polysaccharide, chitin. Our research, therefore, is investigating the effects chitinase-1 enzyme has on the integrity of the cuticle, whether the depolymerization of chitin is present, and also if a motility impediment is visible.