Food Waste

Presentation Type


Faculty Advisor

Thomas Loikith

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Start Date

26-4-2024 9:45 AM

End Date

26-4-2024 10:44 AM


Food waste occurs whether it is suitable for human consumption. Food waste occurs throughout the entire production process, all the way up to the point of customer consumption. In order to better convey the significance of food waste, I am doing this inquiry with assistance of data from academic sources. I am searching through data and various regulations that have been made concerning food waste. While researching the legal field, using the interdisciplinary research of law I discovered that many states, including California, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, have laws governing the recycling of food waste to stop additional environmental harm. For example, there has been a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and climate change due to the amount of food that is wasted. Many organizations, like the Food and Agricultural Organization, monitor the amount of food lost to find viable solutions for reducing food loss. Political science is the focus of my second discipline, which explores why politicians would be interested in passing legislation or caring about the subject. Ultimately, my research is driven by the primary question of whether the laws in place are addressing this problem. My investigation will show you that, despite the topic’s widespread interest, no one has come up with a workable solution. That being stated, the other enduring problems that were previously addressed will continue stem from food waste. I anticipate discovering that a strategy is in place to drastically reduce food waste in the coming years. Keywords: food waste, Food and Agricultural Organization

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Apr 26th, 9:45 AM Apr 26th, 10:44 AM

Food Waste

Food waste occurs whether it is suitable for human consumption. Food waste occurs throughout the entire production process, all the way up to the point of customer consumption. In order to better convey the significance of food waste, I am doing this inquiry with assistance of data from academic sources. I am searching through data and various regulations that have been made concerning food waste. While researching the legal field, using the interdisciplinary research of law I discovered that many states, including California, Vermont, Rhode Island, and Connecticut, have laws governing the recycling of food waste to stop additional environmental harm. For example, there has been a significant decrease in greenhouse gas emissions and climate change due to the amount of food that is wasted. Many organizations, like the Food and Agricultural Organization, monitor the amount of food lost to find viable solutions for reducing food loss. Political science is the focus of my second discipline, which explores why politicians would be interested in passing legislation or caring about the subject. Ultimately, my research is driven by the primary question of whether the laws in place are addressing this problem. My investigation will show you that, despite the topic’s widespread interest, no one has come up with a workable solution. That being stated, the other enduring problems that were previously addressed will continue stem from food waste. I anticipate discovering that a strategy is in place to drastically reduce food waste in the coming years. Keywords: food waste, Food and Agricultural Organization