"Volume 11, Nos. 3 & 4"


Matthew Lipman. Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children
Ann Margaret Sharp. Associate Director, Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children

Document Type


Publication Date


Journal Title

Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children




3, 4

Contributing Authors

Arbones, Gloria. “Feminism and Philosophy for Children in Argentina.” 39-­42.

Cahn, Edmond. “The Right to be Young.” 41­-42.

Daniel, Marie­-France. “Women, Philosophical Community of Inquiry and the Liberation of Self.” 63-­71.

Bosch, Eulalia. “Primary School: Love Versus Knowledge 7.” 71­-72.

Carneiro de Moura, Zaza. “Seeds of Change, Seeds of Chance.” 33­-38.

De la Garza, Teresa. “Women’s Education in Mexico and Philosophy for Children.” 47­ 50.

Dudina, Margarita Nikolayevna. “Some Reflections on Our System of Education.” 44­47.

Glaser, Jen. “Reasoning as Dialogical Inquiry: A Model for the Liberation of Women.” 14­-17.

Hagaman, Sally. “Education in Philosophy and Art in the United States: A Feminist Account.” 77­-79.

Haynes, Felicity. “Male Dominance and the Mastery of Reason.” 1-­24.

Laverty, Megan. “Putting Ethics at the Center.” 73-­76.

MacColl, San. “Opening Philosophy.” 5­-9.

Miroiu, Mihaela. “The Vicious Circle of Anonymity” or “Pseudo­-Feminism and Totalitarism.” 54-­62.

Redshaw, Sarah. “Body Knowledge.” 9­-14.

Sharp, Ann Margaret. “Feminism and Philosophy for Children: The Ethical Dimension.” 24­-28. ­­­­­

----- “Introduction.” 1­-4.

Slade, Christina. “Harryspeak and the Conversation of Girls.” 29­-32.

Smyke, Patricia. “Threading My Way Towards Philosophy for Children.” 82­-85.

Tultkova, Roumiana. “Bulgarian Women Facing Their Problems and the Changes in the Educational System.” 51-­53.

Turgeon, Wendy. “Choosing Not to Play the Game.” 80­-81.

Van den Aardweg, Helena. “Transforming the Community.” 86-­89.

Young Silva, Catherine. “On Women, Feminism and Philosophy for Children.” 90-­91.

Young Silva, Catherine. “Catherine’s Story: The Echo of the Voice of the Children” 92­96.

Yulina, N.S. “Prospects for Feminism and Philosophy for Children in Russia.” 43.


Founded in 1974 by Matthew Lipman (1929-2010) and Ann Margaret Sharp (1942-2010), the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children (IAPC) is the world’s oldest organization devoted to young people’s philosophical practice.

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