Department of Biology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works | Department of Biology | Montclair State University
Publications and creative works by faculty in the Department of Biology, College of Science and Mathematics, are collected here.


Submissions from 2014

Interactions in Soil : Promoting Plant Growth, John Dighton and Jennifer Adams Krumins (2014)


Harbouring the Enemy: Kelp Holdfasts Protect Juvenile Sea Urchins from Predatory Crabs, Colette Feehan, Fiona T Y Francis, and Robert E. Scheibling (2014)


Disease as a Control of Sea Urchin Populations in Nova Scotian Kelp Beds, Colette Feehan and Robert E. Scheibling (2014)

Effects of Sea Urchin Disease on Coastal Marine Ecosystems, Colette Feehan and Robert E. Scheibling (2014)

Analysis of the Population Structure of Anaplasma Phagocytophilum Using Multilocus Sequence Typing, Christian Huhn, Christina Winter, Timo Wolfsperger, Nicole Wüppenhorst, Katja Strašek Smrdel, Jasmin Skuballa, Miriam Pfäffle, Trevor Petney, Cornelia Silaghi, Viktor Dyachenko, Nikola Pantchev, Reinhard K. Straubinger, Daniel Schaarschmidt-Kiener, Martin Ganter, Matthew Aardema, and Friederike D. Von Loewenich (2014)


Do Predator Cues Influence Turn Alternation Behavior in Terrestrial Isopods Porcellio laevis Latreille and Armadillidium vulgare Latreille?, Scott L. Kight (2014)

Plant-Soil Interactions in Metal Contaminated Soils, Jennifer Krumins, Nina Goodey, and Frank Gallagher (2014)

to Thine Own Self Be False: Self-Deceptive Enhancement and Sexual Awareness Influences on Mating Success, Christopher Dana Lynn, R. Nathan Pipitone, and Julian Keenan (2014)

Evidence for a Single Loss of Mineralized Teeth in the Common Avian Ancestor, Robert Meredith, Guojie Zhang, M. Thomas P. Gilbert, Erich D. Jarvis, and Mark S. Springer (2014)

Mating Behavior, Male Sensory Cilia, and Polycystins in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Robert O'Hagan, Juan Wang, and Maureen M. Barr (2014)

The Evolution of the Sexually Selected Sword in Xiphophorus Does Not Compromise Aerobic Locomotor Performance, Christopher E. Oufiero, Robert Meredith, Kristine N. Jugo, Paulina Tran, Mark A. Chappell, Mark S. Springer, David N. Reznick, and Theodore Garland (2014)

The Evolution of the Placenta Drives a Shift in Sexual Selection in Livebearing Fish, B. J.A. Pollux, Robert Meredith, M. S. Springer, T. Garland, and D. N. Reznick (2014)

Forest Response and Recovery Following Disturbance in Upland Forests of the Atlantic Coastal Plain, Karina V.R. Schäfer, Heidi J. Renninger, Nicholas J. Carlo, and Dirk Vanderklein (2014)

Differential Assessment of Designations of Wetland Status Using Two Delineation Methods, Meiyin S Wu, Dennis Kalma, and Carol Treadwell-Steitz (2014)

Helitron Scanner Uncovers a Large Overlooked Cache of Helitron Transposons in Many Plant Genomes, Wenwei Xiong, Limei He, Jinsheng Lai, Hugo K. Dooner, and Chunguang Du (2014)

Comparative Genomics Reveals Insights Into Avian Genome Evolution and Adaptation, Guojie Zhang, Cai Li, Qiye Li, Bo Li, Denis M. Larkin, Chul Lee, Jay F. Storz, Agostinho Antunes, Matthew J. Greenwold, Robert W. Meredith, Robert Meredith, Jie Cui, Qi Zhou, Luohao Xu, Hailin Pan, Zongji Wang, Lijun Jin, Pei Zhang, Haofu Hu, Wei Yang, Jiang Hu, Jin Xiao, Zhikai Yang, Yang Liu, Qiaolin Xie, Hao Yu, Jinmin Lian, Ping Wen, Fang Zhang, and Hui Li (2014)

Submissions from 2013

No Evidence That Male Choice Contributes to the Maintenance of a Shared, Sex-Limited Trait in Mimetic and Non-Mimetic Female Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, Papilio Glaucus, Matthew Aardema and J. Mark Scriber (2013)

Model of gene expression in extreme cold - reference transcriptome for the high-Antarctic cryopelagic notothenioid fish Pagothenia borchgrevinki, Kevin T. Bilyk and C. H.Christina Cheng (2013)


Assessment of Seagrass Floral Community Structure from Two Caribbean Marine Protected Areas, Paul Bologna and Anthony John Suleski (2013)


An Analysis of the Population Genetics of Restored Zostera Marina Plantings in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, James Campanella, Paul Bologna, John V. Smalley, Diana N. Avila, Karen N. Lee, Eduardo C. Areche, and Laura J. Slavin (2013)

Effect of Black Tea Extract on Herpes Simplex Virus-1 Infection of Cultured Cells, Anthony Cantatore, Sade D. Randall, Daniel Traum, and Sandra Adams (2013)


Inhibition of Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 with the Modified Green Tea Polyphenol Palmitoyl-Epigallocatechin Gallate, Aline De Oliveira, Sandra Adams, Lee Lee, Sean R. Murray, Stephen D. Hsu, Jeffrey R. Hammond, Douglas Dickinson, Ping Chen, and Tin Chun Chu (2013)

Validating the Identity of Paramoeba Invadens, the Causative Agent of Recurrent Mass Mortality of Sea Urchins in Nova Scotia, Canada, Colette Feehan, Jessica Johnson-Mackinnon, Robert E. Scheibling, Jean Sébastien Lauzon-Guay, and Alastair G.B. Simpson (2013)

A Phylogenetic Blueprint for a Modern Whale, John Gatesy, Jonathan H. Geisler, Joseph Chang, Carl Buell, Annalisa Berta, Robert Meredith, Mark S. Springer, and Michael R. McGowen (2013)

Ras-Induced Melanoma Transformation Is Associated with the Proteasomal Degradation of the Transcriptional Repressor ICER, Marlene Healey, Marni S. Crow, and Carlos Molina (2013)

Soil and Freshwater and Marine Sediment Food Webs: Their Structure and Function, Jennifer Krumins, D. Van Oevelen, T. Martijn Bezemer, Gerlinde B. De Deyn, W. H. Gera Hol, Ellen Van Donk, Wietse De Boer, Peter C. De Ruiter, Jack J. Middelburg, Fernando Monroy, Karline Soetaert, Elisa Thébault, Johan Van De Koppel, Johannes A. Van Veen, Maria Viketoft, and Wim H. Van Der Putten (2013)

Rod Monochromacy and the Coevolution of Cetacean Retinal Opsins, Robert Meredith, John Gatesy, Christopher A. Emerling, Vincent M. York, and Mark S. Springer (2013)

Molecular Decay of Enamel Matrix Protein Genes in Turtles and Other Edentulous Amniotes., Robert Meredith, John Gatesy, and Mark S. Springer (2013)

Genome of the Long-Living Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo Nucifera Gaertn.), Ray Ming, Robert VanBuren, Yanling Liu, Mei Yang, Yuepeng Han, Lei Ting Li, Qiong Zhang, Min Jeong Kim, Michael C. Schatz, Michael Campbell, Jingping Li, John E. Bowers, Haibao Tang, Eric Lyons, Ann A. Ferguson, Giuseppe Narzisi, David R. Nelson, Crysten E. Blaby-Haas, Andrea R. Gschwend, Yuannian Jiao, Joshua P. Der, Fanchang Zeng, Jennifer Han, Xiang Jia Min, Karen A. Hudson, Ratnesh Singh, Aleel K. Grennan, Steven J. Karpowicz, Jennifer R. Watling, and Kikukatsu Ito (2013)

Triptolide Induces Lysosomal-Mediated Programmed Cell Death in MCF-7 Breast Cancer Cells, Chie Owa, Michael E. Messina, and Reginald Halaby (2013)

Allometry and Photosynthetic Capacity of Poplar (Populus Deltoides) Along a Metal Contamination Gradient in an Urban Brownfield, Heidi J. Renninger, Sahil Wadhwa, Frank J. Gallagher, Dirk Vanderklein, and Karina V.R. Schäfer (2013)

Evolution of Sindbis Virus with a Low-Methionine-Resistant Phenotype Is Dependent Both on a Pre-Existing Mutation and on the Methionine Concentration in the Medium, Victor Stollar, Virginia Mensah, Sandra Adams, and Mei Ling Li (2013)

A Comparative Study of Wetland Vegetation in the Ausable and Boquet River Watersheds, Meiyin S Wu and Dennis Kalma (2013)

InsertionMapper, a Pipeline Tool for the Identification of Targeted Sequences from Multidimensional High Throughput Sequencing Data, Wenwei Xiong, Limei He, Yubin Li, Hugo K. Dooner, and Chunguang Du (2013)

Submissions from 2012

The Evolution of Cardenolide-Resistant Forms of Na +,K +-Atpase in Danainae Butterflies, Matthew Aardema, Ying Zhen, and Peter Andolfatto (2012)

Heat tolerance of the secondarily temperate Antarctic notothenioid, Notothenia angustata, Kevin T. Bilyk and Arthur L. Devries (2012)

Heat hardening in Antarctic notothenioid fishes, Kevin T. Bilyk, Clive W. Evans, and Arthur L. DeVries (2012)

Restoration of Seagrass Habitat in New Jersey, United States, Paul Bologna and Michael S. Sinnema (2012)


A New Baseline for Diadema antillarum, Echinometra viridis, E. lucunter, and Eucidaris tribuloides Populations Within the Cayos Cochinos MPA, Honduras, Paul Bologna, Lucy Webb-Wilson, Patrick Connelly, and James E. Saunders (2012)

Adaption of Synechococcus Sp. IU 625 to Growth in the Presence of Mercuric Chloride, Tin Chun Chu, Sean R. Murray, Jennifer Todd, Winder Perez, Jonathan R. Yarborough, Chiedozie Okafor, and Lee Lee (2012)

Coxsackievirus and Adenovirus Receptor (CAR) Mediates Trafficking of Acid Sensing Ion Channel 3 (ASIC3) Via PSD-95, Katherine J.D.A. Excoffon, Abimbola O. Kolawole, Nobuyoshi Kusama, Nicholas D. Gansemer, Priyanka Sharma, Alesia M. Hruska-Hageman, Elena Petroff, and Christopher J. Benson (2012)


Aggregative Feeding Behavior in Sea Urchins Leads to Destructive Grazing in a Nova Scotian Kelp Bed, Colette Feehan, R. E. Scheibling, and J. S. Lauzon-Guay (2012)

An Outbreak of Sea Urchin Disease Associated with a Recent Hurricane: Support for the "Killer Storm Hypothesis" on a Local Scale, Colette Feehan, R. E. Scheibling, and J. S. Lauzon-Guay (2012)

Study of Ph and Cellular Response in Pulmonary Fibroblasts After Exposure to Market Street World Trade Center Particulate Matter, Michelle Hernandez, Sung Choi, and Ann Marie DiLorenzo (2012)

P90RSK Targets the ERK5-CHIP Ubiquitin E3 Ligase Activity in Diabetic Hearts and Promotes Cardiac Apoptosis and Dysfunction, Nhat Tu Le, Yuichiro Takei, Tetsuro Shishido, Chang Hoon Woo, Eugene Chang, Kyung Sun Heo, Hakjoo Lee, Yan Lu, Craig Morrell, Masayoshi Oikawa, Carolyn McClain, Xin Wang, Cathy Tournier, Carlos Molina, Jack Taunton, Chen Yan, Keigi Fujiwara, Cam Patterson, Jay Yang, and Jun Ichi Abe (2012)

Ectoparasites of American Kestrels in Northwestern New Jersey and Their Relationship to Nestling Growth and Survival, Mark J. Lesko and John Smallwood (2012)


Self-Enhancement Processing in the Default Network: A Single-Pulse TMS Study, Bruce Luber, Hans C. Lou, Julian Keenan, and Sarah H. Lisanby (2012)

Differential Effects of Short Term Winter Thermal Stress on Diapausing Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies (Papiliospp.), J. Mark Scriber, Emily Maher, and Matthew Aardema (2012)

Macroevolutionary Dynamics and Historical Biogeography of Primate Diversification Inferred from a Species Supermatrix, Mark S. Springer, Robert Meredith, John Gatesy, Christopher A. Emerling, Jong Park, Daniel L. Rabosky, Tanja Stadler, Cynthia Steiner, Oliver A. Ryder, Jan E. Janečka, Colleen A. Fisher, and William J. Murphy (2012)

Crown Conductance in Dwarf, Medium, and Tall Pitch Pines in the Long Island Pine Plains, Dirk Vanderklein, K. V.R. Schäfer, and J. Martinez-Vilalta (2012)

Phylogenetic Relationships of Living and Recently Extinct Bandicoots Based on Nuclear and Mitochondrial DNA Sequences, M. Westerman, B. P. Kear, K. Aplin, Robert Meredith, Christopher A. Emerling, and M. S. Springer (2012)

Parallel Molecular Evolution in an Herbivore Community, Ying Zhen, Matthew Aardema, Edgar M. Medina, Molly Schumer, and Peter Andolfatto (2012)

Submissions from 2011

Considering Local Adaptation in Issues of Lepidopteran Conservation a Review and Recommendations, Matthew Aardema, J. Mark Scriber, and Jessica J. Hellmann (2011)

The DEG/ENaC Protein MEC-10 Regulates the Transduction Channel Complex in Caenorhabditis Elegans Touch Receptor Neurons, Jóhanna Árnadóttir, Robert O'Hagan, Yushu Chen, Miriam B. Goodman, and Martin Chalfie (2011)

Heat tolerance and its plasticity in Antarctic fishes, Kevin T. Bilyk and Arthur L. DeVries (2011)

Truncation of Medicago Truncatula Auxin Conjugate Hydrolases Alters Substrate Specificity, James Campanella, Scott Sigethy, and Jutta Ludwig-Müller (2011)

The Complete Ac/Ds Transposon Family of Maize, Chunguang Du, Andrew Hoffman, Limei He, Jason Caronna, and Hugo K. Dooner (2011)

Sex Chromosome Mosaicism and Hybrid Speciation Among Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, Krushnamegh Kunte, Cristina Shea, Matthew Aardema, J. Mark Scriber, Thomas E. Juenger, Lawrence E. Gilbert, and Marcus R. Kronforst (2011)

Evidence That Phosphorylation By the Mitotic Kinase Cdk1 Promotes ICER Monoubiquitination and Nuclear Delocalization, Elisabeth Mémin, Megan Genzale, Marni Crow, and Carlos Molina (2011)

Pseudogenization of the Tooth Gene Enamelysin (MMP20) in the Common Ancestor of Extant Baleen Whales, Robert Meredith, John Gatesy, Joyce Cheng, and Mark S. Springer (2011)

A Phylogenetic Hypothesis for Crocodylus (Crocodylia) Based on Mitochondrial DNA: Evidence for a Trans-Atlantic Voyage from Africa to the New World, Robert Meredith, Evon R. Hekkala, George Amato, and John Gatesy (2011)

Impacts of the Cretaceous Terrestrial Revolution and KPg Extinction on Mammal Diversification, Robert Meredith, Jan E. Janečka, John Gatesy, Oliver A. Ryder, Colleen A. Fisher, Emma C. Teeling, Alisha Goodbla, Eduardo Eizirik, Taiz L.L. Simão, Tanja Stadler, Daniel L. Rabosky, Rodney L. Honeycutt, John J. Flynn, Colleen M. Ingram, Cynthia Steiner, Tiffani L. Williams, Terence J. Robinson, Angela Burk-Herrick, Michael Westerman, Nadia A. Ayoub, Mark S. Springer, and William J. Murphy (2011)

Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships and the Coevolution of Placentotrophy and Superfetation in Poecilia (Poeciliidaecyprinodontiformes), Robert Meredith, Marcelo N. Pires, David N. Reznick, and Mark S. Springer (2011)

Does Triptolide Induce Lysosomal-Mediated Apoptosis in Human Breast Cancer Cells?, M. E. Messina and Reginald Halaby (2011)

The Tubulin Deglutamylase CCPP-1 Regulates the Function and Stability of Sensory Cilia in C. Elegans, Robert O'Hagan, Brian P. Piasecki, Malan Silva, Prasad Phirke, Ken C Q Nguyen, David H. Hall, Peter Swoboda, and Maureen M. Barr (2011)

Cryptic Gametic Interactions Confer Both Conspecific and Heterospecific Advantages in the Chrysochus (Coleopterachry:somelidae) Hybrid Zone, Merrill A. Peterson, Erica L. Larson, Margaret Brassil, Kati J. Buckingham, Danielle Juárez, Joseph Deas, Donna Mangloña, Michael A. White, Jonathan Maslan, Andrew Schweitzer, and Kirsten Monsen (2011)

Comparative Analyses of Effective Population Size Within and Among Species: Ranid Frogs as a Case Study, Ivan C. Phillipsen, W. Chris Funk, Eric A. Hoffman, Kirsten Monsen, and Michael S. Blouin (2011)

The Historical Biogeography of Mammalia, Mark S. Springer, Robert Meredith, Jan E. Janecka, and William J. Murphy (2011)

Wetland Plants of the Adirondacks (2 volumes), Meiyin Wu and Dennis Kalma (2011)

Submissions from 2010

Overclaiming and the Medial Prefrontal Cortex: A Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Study, Franco Amati, Hanna Oh, Virginia S.Y. Kwan, Kelly Jordan, and Julian Keenan (2010)

Delayed onset of adult antifreeze activity in juveniles of the Antarctic icefish Chaenocephalus aceratus, Kevin T. Bilyk and Arthur L. DeVries (2010)

Freezing avoidance of the Antarctic icefishes (Channichthyidae) across thermal gradients in the Southern Ocean, Kevin T. Bilyk and Arthur L. DeVries (2010)


Population Structure and Conservation Genetics of the Oregon Spotted Frog, Rana Pretiosa, Michael S. Blouin, Ivan C. Phillipsen, and Kirsten Monsen (2010)

Population Structure of Zostera Marina (eelgrass) on the Western Atlantic Coast Is Characterized By Poor Connectivity and Inbreeding, James Campanella, Paul Bologna, John V. Smalley, Eric B. Rosenzweig, and Stephanie M. Smith (2010)


Zostera Marina Population Genetics in Barnegat Bay, New Jersey, and Implications for Grass Bed Restoration, James Campanella, Paul Bologna, Stephanie M. Smith, Eric B. Rosenzweig, and John V. Smalley (2010)

A Truth That's Told with Bad Intent: An ERP Study of Deception, Ricardo E. Carrión, Julian Keenan, and Natalie Sebanz (2010)

HnRNP A1 Interacts with the Genomic and Subgenomic RNA Promoters of Sindbis Virus and is Required for the Synthesis of G and SG RNA, Hongxing Gui, Chi Wei Lu, Sandra Adams, Victor Stollar, and Mei Ling Li (2010)

Secretion By the Nasal Salt Glands of Two Insectivorous Lizard Species Is Initiated By an Ecologically Relevant Dietary Ion, Chloride, Lisa Hazard, Claudia Lechuga, and Stephanie Zilinskis (2010)

Nutritional Quality of Natural Foods of Juvenile and Adult Desert Tortoises (Gopherus Agassizii): Calcium, Phosphorus, and Magnesium Digestibility, Lisa Hazard, Danielle R. Shemanski, and Kenneth A. Nagy (2010)

A Phylogeny and Timescale for the Evolution of Pseudocheiridae (Marsupialia Diprotodontia) in Australia and New Guinea, Robert Meredith, Miguel A. Mendoza, Karen K. Roberts, Michael Westerman, and Mark S. Springer (2010)

Molecular Phylogenetic Relationships and the Evolution of the Placenta in Poecilia (Micropoecilia) (Poeciliidaecyprinodontiformes), Robert Meredith, Marcelo N. Pires, David N. Reznick, and Mark S. Springer (2010)

Comparison of PCR and RT-PCR in the First Report of Batrachochytrium Dendrobatidis in Amphibians in New Jersey, USA, Kirsten Monsen, Lisa Hazard, and Rakesh Dussa (2010)


Allochronic Isolation and Incipient Hybrid Speciation in Tiger Swallowtail Butterflies, Gabriel James Ording, Rodrigo J. Mercader, Matthew Aardema, and J. M. Scriber (2010)


Disease Outbreaks Associated with Recent Hurricanes Cause Mass Mortality of Sea Urchins in Nova Scotia, R. E. Scheibling, Colette Feehan, and J. S. Lauzon-Guay (2010)


The Genomics Education Partnership: Successful Integration of Research Into Laboratory Classes At a Diverse Group of Undergraduate Institutions, Christopher D. Shaffer, Consuelo Alvarez, Cheryl Bailey, Daron Barnard, Satish Bhalla, Chitra Chandrasekaran, Vidya Chandrasekaran, Hui Min Chung, Douglas R. Dorer, Chunguang Du, Todd T. Eckdahl, Jeff L. Poet, Donald Frohlich, Anya L. Goodman, Yuying Gosser, Charles Hauser, Laura L.M. Hoopes, Diana Johnson, Christopher J. Jones, Marian Kaehler, Nighat Kokan, Olga R. Kopp, Gary A. Kuleck, Gerard McNeil, Robert Moss, Jennifer L. Myka, Alexis Nagengast, Robert Morris, Paul J. Overvoorde, and Elizabeth Shoop (2010)

Phylogenetic Conservation of the Cell-Type-Specific Lan3-2 Glycoepitope in Caenorhabditis Elegans, Harper C. Vansteenhouse, Zachary A. Horton, Robert O'Hagan, Mei Hui Tai, and Birgit Zipser (2010)

Cytogenetics Meets Phylogenetics: A Review of Karyotype Evolution in Diprotodontian Marsupials, Michael Westerman, Robert Meredith, and Mark S. Springer (2010)


Novel Role of C Terminus of Hsc70-Interacting Protein (CHIP) Ubiquitin Ligase on Inhibiting Cardiac Apoptosis and Dysfunction Via Regulating ERK5-Mediated Degradation of Inducible Camp Early Repressor, Chang Hoon Woo, Nhat Tu Le, Tetsuro Shishido, Eugene Chang, Hakjoo Lee, Kyung Sun Heo, Deanne M. Mickelsen, Yan Lu, Carolyn McClain, Thomas Spangenberg, Chen Yan, Carlos Molina, Jay Yang, Cam Patterson, and Jun Ichi Abe (2010)

Submissions from 2009

The Multipurpose 15-Protofilament Microtubules in C. Elegans Have Specific Roles in Mechanosensation, Alexander Bounoutas, Robert O'Hagan, and Martin Chalfie (2009)

The Polychromatic Helitron Landscape of the Maize Genome, Chunguang Du, Nadezhda Fefelova, Jason Caronna, Limei He, and Hugo K. Dooner (2009)

Nutritional Quality of Natural Foods of Juvenile Desert Tortoises (Gopherus Agassizii): Energy, Nitrogen, and Fiber Digestibility, Lisa Hazard, Danielle R. Shemanski, and Kenneth A. Nagy (2009)

The Effect of Deception on Motor Cortex Excitability, Karen J. Kelly, Elizabeth Murray, Veronica Barrios, Jamie Gorman, Giorgio Ganis, and Julian Keenan (2009)

Soil Microbial Community Response to Nitrogen Enrichment in Two Scrub Oak Forests, Jennifer Krumins, John Dighton, Dennis Gray, Rima B. Franklin, Peter J. Morin, and Michael S. Roberts (2009)

Indications of Potential Toxic/Mutagenic Effects of World Trade Center Dust on Human Lung Cell Cultures, Constantino G. Lambroussis, Barbara D. Soares, Sergio Perez, David Gaipa, Anise L. Elie, Caitlin M. Ament, Fahad T. Rouf, Lotfi M. Bassa, and Ann Marie DiLorenzo (2009)

Hybridization Leads to Host-Use Divergence in a Polyphagous Butterfly Sibling Species Pair, R. J. Mercader, Matthew Aardema, and J. M. Scriber (2009)

Molecular Decay of the Tooth Gene Enamelin (ENAM) Mirrors the Loss of Enamel in the Fossil Record of Placental Mammals, Robert Meredith, John Gatesy, William J. Murphy, Oliver A. Ryder, and Mark S. Springer (2009)

A Phylogeny of Diprotodontia (Marsupialia) Based on Sequences for Five Nuclear Genes, Robert Meredith, Michael Westerman, and Mark S. Springer (2009)

Breeding-Site Fidelity of Southeastern American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius Paulus), Karl E. Miller and John Smallwood (2009)

Why Are American Kestrel (Falco Sparverius) Populations Declining in North America? Evidence from Nest-Box Programs, John Smallwood, Mark F. Causey, David H. Mossop, James R. Klucsarits, Bob Robertson, Sue Robertson, Joey Mason, Michael J. Maurer, Richard J. Melvin, Russell D. Dawson, Gary R. Bortolotti, John W. Parrish, Timothy F. Breen, and Kenneth Boyd (2009)

Southeastern American Kestrels Respond to an Increase in the Availability of Nest Cavities in North-Central Florida, John Smallwood and Michael W. Collopy (2009)