Department of Biology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works | Department of Biology | Montclair State University
Publications and creative works by faculty in the Department of Biology, College of Science and Mathematics, are collected here.


Submissions from 1993


Kelp Beds as Habitat for American Lobster Homarus Americanus, Paul Bologna and R. S. Steneck (1993)

Effects of Algae Extracts from New York/New Jersey Coastline, USA on Cultured Mammalian Cells, Ann Marie DiLorenzo, Bonnie Lustigman, Michael Correa, and Anthony Aglione (1993)

Nuclear Response to Cyclic AMP: Central Role of Transcription Factor CREM (Cyclic-AMP-Responsive-Element Modulator), Enzo Lalli, J. S. Lee, D. Masquilier, F. Schlotter, N. S. Foulkes, Carlos Molina, and P. Sassone-Corsi (1993)


Effect of Copper on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, and Joan Maccari (1993)

Molecular Cloning, Characterization and Expression of Mn-Superoxide Dismutase from the Rubber Tree (Hevea Brasiliensis), Zhonghe Miao and John Gaynor (1993)

Inducibility and Negative Autoregulation of CREM: An Alternative Promoter Directs the Expression of ICER, an Early Response Repressor, Carlos Molina, Nicholas S. Foulkes, Enzo Lalli, and Paolo Sassone-Corsi (1993)

Growth, Nutrition and Gas Exchange of Pinus Resinos: A Following Artificial Defoliation, P. B. Reich, M. B. Walters, S. C. Krause, Dirk Vanderklein, K. F. Raffs, and T. Tabone (1993)

Adrenergic Signals Direct Rhythmic Expression of Transcriptional Represser CREM in the Pineal Gland, Jërg H. Stehle, Nicholas S. Foulkes, Carlos Molina, Valérie Simonneaux, Paul Pévet, and Paolo Sassone-Corsi (1993)

Submissions from 1992

Effect of Lead and Cobalt on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, I. Yu Chu, and Stephen Hsu (1992)

Effect of Mercury and Cadmium on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, V. Schwinge, I. Yu Chiu, and Stephen Hsu (1992)

Production of Antibacterial Substances By Macroalgae of the New York/New Jersey Coast, USA, Bonnie Lustigman, Lee Lee, Nancy Thees, and John Masucci (1992)

Submissions from 1991


Factors Affecting Parental Investment Strategies in Male Waterbugs, Scott Kight (1991)

Effect of Aluminum and Ph on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, I. Yu Chu, and Huey Ling Jou (1991)

Tumor Promoter 12-0-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-Acetate and $N-L, 2-Dioctanoyl-Glycerol Increase the Phosphorylation of Protein Kinase C in Cells, Carlos Molina and Curtis L. Ashende (1991)

Regulation of a Chitinase Gene Promoter By Ethylene and Elicitors in Bean Protoplasts, Dominique Roby, Karen Brogue, John Gaynor, and Richard Broglie (1991)

Interactions of Microbotryum Violaceum (Ustilago Violacea) with Its Host Plant Silene Alba, M. Ruddat, J. Kokontis, L. Birch, E. D. Garber, K. S. Chiang, James Campanella, and H. Dai (1991)

Submissions from 1989

Identification of Individual Leopards (Panthera Pardus Kotiya) Using Spot Pattern Variation, S. Miththapala, J. Seidensticker, L. G. Phillips, S.B.U. Fernando, and John Smallwood (1989)

Prey Preferences of Free-Ranging American Kestrels, Falco Sparverius, John Smallwood (1989)

Submissions from 1988

Primary Structure of an Endochitinase mRNA from Solanum Tuberosum, John Gaynor (1988)

Submissions from 1986

Ethylene-Regulated Gene Expression: Molecular Cloning of the Genes Encoding an Endochitinase from Phaseolus Vulgaris, K. E. Broglie, John Gaynor, and R. M. Broglie (1986)

The Cylindrical or Tubiliform Glands of Nephila Clavipes, Graciela C. Candelas, Anselmo Ortiz, and Carlos Molina (1986)

Submissions from 1985

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 6. Effect of Hydroxyurea and Nalidixic Acid on the Development of Cyanophage AS-1, Lee Lee, G. Cohn, J. Blamire, and R. McGowan (1985)

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 7. UV-Induced Alterations of the AS-1/a. Nidulans Lytic Cycle, Lee Lee, G. Cohn, L. Cosowsky, R. McGowan, and J. Blamire (1985)

Submissions from 1984

Cytological and Ultrastructural Studies on Root Tissues., R. D. Slocum, John Gaynor, and A. W. Galston (1984)

Submissions from 1983

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 3. Alternative Precursors and Host/Phage Systems for PIL-DNA, K. H. Blashka, Lee Lee, R. E. McGowan, and J. Blamire (1983)

Purification and Characterization of Amyloplasts from Etiolated Epicotyls of Pisum Sativum, John Gaynor and Arthur W. Galston (1983)

A Rapid Procedure for the Isolation of Yeast Mitochondrial DNA Suitable for Restriction Fragment Analysis, Lee Lee, John Blamire, and Stephen F. Cottrell (1983)

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 4. Studies on the Source of PIL-DNA, Lee Lee, G. Cohn, and K. H. Blashka (1983)

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 5 Biophysical Characterization of PIL-DNA, Lee Lee, G. Cohn, and K. H. Blashka (1983)

Submissions from 1982

Synthesis of Proteins By Chloroplasts from Iron-Deficient Euglena Gracilis, John Gaynor (1982)

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 1. Identification of a Unique Species of DNA, Lee Lee, K. H. Blashka, J. Blamire, and R. E. McGowan (1982)

DNA Metabolism During Infection of Anacystis Nidulans By Cyanophage AS-1: 2. Analysis of DNA Synthesis Patterns and Discrimination of Precursor Utilization, Lee Lee, K. H. Blashka, R. E. McGowan, and J. Blamire (1982)

Submissions from 1981

Evidence for the Synchronous Replication of Mitochondrial DNA During the Yeast Cell Cycle, Stephen F. Cottrell and Lee Lee (1981)

Submissions from 1980

Subcellular Localization of Chicken Kidney Aryl Acylamidase Activity., John Gaynor and C. C. Still (1980)

Submissions from 1976

Hypoxanthine Phosphoribosyltransferase Activity in Intact Fibroblasts from Patients with X Linked Hyperuricemia, M. J.C. Holland, Ann Marie DiLorenzo, J. Dancis, M. E. Balis, T. F. Yü, and R. P. Cox (1976)