Department of Biology Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works | Department of Biology | Montclair State University
Publications and creative works by faculty in the Department of Biology, College of Science and Mathematics, are collected here.


Submissions from 2003

The Effect of Relationship Status on Perceived Attractiveness, Sean O'Hagen, Amanda Johnson, Gina Lardi, and Julian Keenan (2003)

Patterns of Cytoplasmic Variation in Arabidopsis Thaliana (Brassicaceae) Revealed By Polymorphic Chloroplast Microsatellites, Jim Provan and James Campanella (2003)

Desarrollo Vocal En Polluelos Del Cernicalo (Falco Sparverius), John Smallwood, Valerie Dudajek, Sivajini Gilchrist, and Mary Anne Smallwood (2003)

Inducible Camp Early Repressor (ICER) Is a Negative-Feedback Regulator of Cardiac Hypertrophy and an Important Mediator of Cardiac Myocyte Apoptosis in Response to Β-Adrenergic Receptor Stimulation, Hideharu Tomita, Michael Nazmy, Katsuya Kajimoto, Ghassan Yehia, Carlos Molina, and Junichi Sadoshima (2003)

Activation of Mst1 Causes Dilated Cardiomyopathy By Stimulating Apoptosis Without Compensatory Ventricular Myocyte Hypertrophy, Shimako Yamamoto, Guiping Yang, Daniela Zablocki, Jing Liu, Chull Hong, Song Jung Kim, Sandra Soler, Mari Odashima, Jill Thaisz, Ghassan Yehia, Carlos Molina, Atsuko Yatani, Dorothy E. Vatner, Stephen F. Vatner, and Junichi Sadoshima (2003)

Submissions from 2002

Lesions of the Fusiform Face Area Impair Perception of Facial Configuration in Prosopagnosia, Jason J.S. Barton, Daniel Z. Press, Julian Keenan, and Margaret O'Connor (2002)

Assessment of Seagrass Plant Demography Within and Among Beds of Turtle Grass (Thalassia Testudinum), Manatee Grass (Syringodium Filiforme), and Shoal Grass (Halodule Wrightii) from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Paul Bologna and Doug Haywick (2002)

Impact of Habitat Edges on Density and Secondary Production of Seagrass-Associated Fauna, Paul Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck (2002)

The Mechanosensory Protein MEC-6 Is a Subunit of the C. Elegans Touch-Cell Degenerin Channel, Dattananda S. Chelur, Glen G. Ernstrom, Miriam B. Goodman, C. Andrea Yao, Lei Chen, Robert O'Hagan, and Martin Chalfie (2002)

MEC-2 Regulates C. Elegans DEG/ENaC Channels Needed for Mechanosensation, Miriam B. Goodman, Glen G. Ernstrom, Dattananda S. Chelur, Robert O'Hagan, C. Andrea Yao, and Martin Chalfie (2002)

Lysosomal Enzyme-Induced Cell Death in MCF7 and Mammary Gland Cells, Reginald Halaby (2002)

Evidence for a Regulatory Role of Inducible Camp Early Repressor in Protein Kinase a-Mediated Enhancement of Vitamin D Receptor Expression and Modulation of Hormone Action, Michael Huening, Ghassan Yehia, Carlos Molina, and Sylvia Christakos (2002)

Combined Effect of Mercuric Chloride and Selenium Dioxide on the Growth of the Cyanobacteria, Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, and S. R. Murray (2002)

ICER Reverses Tumorigenesis of Rat Prostate Tumor Cells without affecting Cell Growth, Elisabeth Mémin, Ghassan Yehia, Reza Razavi, and Carlos Molina (2002)

Mechanosensory Transduction of Vagal and Baroreceptor Afferents Revealed By Study of Isolated Nodose Neurons in Culture, Vladislav Snitsarev, Carol A. Whiteis, Francois M. Abboud, and Mark W. Chapleau (2002)

Submissions from 2001

Discrimination of Spatial Relations and Features in Faces: Effects of Inversion and Viewing Duration, Jason J.S. Barton, Julian Keenan, and Trevor Bass (2001)

Reproduction, Population Structure, and Recruitment Limitation in a Bay Scallop (Argopecten Irradians Lamarck) Population from New Jersey, USA, Paul Bologna, A. E. Wilbur, and K. W. Able (2001)

Mammary Gland Cell Death Also Involves Lysosomal Autophagy, Reginald Halaby (2001)

Promoting Undergraduate Research in Science, Reginald Halaby (2001)


Acid Phosphatase Activity in Human Breast Tumors, Reginald Halaby, Jafar Abdollahi, and Minerva L. Martinez (2001)

Ion Secretion By Salt Glands of Desert Iguanas (Dipsosaurus Dorsalis), Lisa Hazard (2001)

Self-Recognition and the Right Hemisphere, Julian Keenan, Aaron Nelson, Margaret O'connor, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2001)

Absolute Pitch and Planum Temporale, Julian Keenan, Ven Thangaraj, Andrea R. Halpern, and Gottfried Schlaug (2001)

Cocaine- and Amphetamine-Regulated Transcript Peptide Modulation of Voltage-Gated Ca2+ Signaling in Hippocampal Neurons, Elena Petroff, Jianguo Chen, Pastor R. Couceyro, and Toshinori Hoshi (2001)

Cloning of Human Preprotachykinin-I Promoter and the Role of Cyclic Adenosine 5′-Monophosphate Response Elements in Its Expression By IL-1 and Stem Cell Factor, J. Qian, G. Yehia, Carlos Molina, A. Fernandes, R. J. Donnelly, D. J. Anjaria, P. Gascon, and P. Rameshwar (2001)

Fluorescent Detection of Zn2+-Rich Vesicles with Zinquin: Mechanism of Action in Lipid Environments, Vladislav Snitsarev, Thomas Budde, Thomas P. Stricker, Jason M. Cox, David J. Krupa, Lei Geng, and Alan R. Kay (2001)

Effects of Elevated Ozone and Low Light on Diurnal and Seasonal Carbon Gain in Sugar Maple, M. A. Topa, Dirk Vanderklein, and A. Corbin (2001)

White Pine, Japanese Larch, and Bear Oak Respond Differently to Partial Defoliation, Dirk Vanderklein, Elizabeth Daquila, and Elisabeth Carrozza (2001)

Oxygen Fluxes and Ammonia Removal Efficiencies in Constructed Treatment Wetlands, Meiyin S Wu, Eldon H. Franz, and Shulin Chen (2001)

Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphorylates and Targets Inducible Camp Early Repressor to Ubiquitin-Mediated Destruction, Ghassan Yehia, Florence Schlotter, Reza Razavi, Alessandro Alessandrini, and Carlos Molina (2001)

The Expression of Inducible Camp Early Repressor (ICER) Is Altered in Prostate Cancer Cells and Reverses the Transformed Phenotype of the Lncap Prostate Tumor Cell Line, G. Yehia, R. Razavi, E. Memin, F. Schlotter, and Carlos Molina (2001)

Submissions from 2000


Relationship Between Pea Crab (Pinnotheres maculatus) Parasitism and Gonad Mass of the Bay Scallop (Argopecten irradians), Paul A.X. Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck (2000)

Impacts of Seagrass Habitat Architecture on Bivalve Settlement, Paul Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck (2000)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation of Primary Motor Cortex Affects Mental Rotation, Giorgio Ganis, Julian Keenan, Stephen M. Kosslyn, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Alexia for Braille Following Bilateral Occipital Stroke in an Early Blind Woman, Roy Hamilton, Julian Keenan, Maria Catala, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Hand Response Differences in a Self-Face Identification Task, Julian Keenan, Stefanie Freund, Roy H. Hamilton, Giorgio Ganis, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Self-Face Identification Is Increased with Left Hand Responses, Julian Keenan, Giorgio Ganis, Stefanie Freund, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Self-Recognition and the Right Prefrontal Cortex, Julian Keenan, Mark A. Wheeler, Gordon G. Gallup, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Effect of Thallium on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans and Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii, Bonnie Lustigman, Lee Lee, J. Morata, and F. Khan (2000)

Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Motor Cortical Excitability in Major Depression as Measured By Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Fumiko Maeda, Julian Keenan, and A. Pascual-Leone (2000)

Modulation of Corticospinal Excitability By Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Fumiko Maeda, Julian Keenan, Jose Maria Tormos, Helge Topka, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Interindividual Variability of the Modulatory Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Cortical Excitability, Fumiko Maeda, Julian Keenan, Jose M. Tormos, Helge Topka, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

Reactive Oxygen Species and Nitric Oxide Mediate Plasticity of Neuronal Calcium Signaling, Elena Petroff, Nathan Brot, Herbert Weissbach, Stefan H. Heinemann, and Toshinori Hoshi (2000)

Natural Growth Lines in Echinoid Ossicles Are Not Reliable Indicators of Age: A Test Using Strongylocentrotus Droebachiensis, Michael P. Russell and Robert Meredith (2000)

Luteal Progesterone Relates to Histological Endometrial Maturation Fertile Women, Nanette Santoro, Laura T. Goldsmith, Debra Heller, Nicholas Illsley, Peter McGovern, Carlos Molina, Steven Peters, Joan H. Skurnick, Cheryl Forst, and Gerson Weiss (2000)

Tactile Spatial Resolution in Blind Braille Readers, Robert W. Van Boven, R. H. Hamilton, T. Kauffman, Julian Keenan, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (2000)

European Larch and Eastern White Pine Respond Similarly During Three Years of Partial Defoliation, Dirk Vanderklein and Peter B. Reich (2000)

The Intraspecific Phylogenetics of Arabidopsis Thaliana in Worldwide Populations, Christine Vander Zwan, Seth A. Brodie, and James Campanella (2000)

Submissions from 1999

Effects of Elevated Ozone on CO2 Uptake and Leaf Structure in Sugar Maple Under Two Light Environments, Jaana Bäck, Dirk Vanderklein, and M. A. Topa (1999)

Identification of the Brain Areas from Which TMS Induces Speech Arrest Areas in Normal Subjects, David Bartres-Faz, Jesus Pujol, Joan Deus, Jose Maria Tormos, Julian Keenan, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (1999)

Differential Predation and Growth Rates of Bay Scallops Within a Seagrass Habitat, Paul Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck (1999)

Macrofaunal Associations with Seagrass Epiphytes Relative Importance of Trophic and Structural Characteristics, Paul Bologna and Kenneth L. Heck (1999)

Structure, Biodiversity, and Historical Biogeography of Nematode Faunas in Holarctic Ruminants: Morphological and Molecular Diagnoses for Teladorsagia Boreoarcticus N. Sp. (Nematoda: Ostertagiinae), a Dimorphic Cryptic Species in Muskoxen (Ovibos Moschatus), Eric P. Hoberg, Kirsten Monsen, Susan Kutz, and Michael S. Blouin (1999)

Fronto-Caudate Connectivity Studies with Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Julian Keenan, John Ives, Qun Chen, Gottfried Schlaug, Thomas Kauffman, David Bartres-Faz, Robert Edelman, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (1999)

Decreased Reaction Times for Self- Faces Following Right Ventral Lateral Prefrontal Cortex Inhibitory Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Julian Keenan, John Ives, Stefanie Freund, Roy Hamilton, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (1999)

Left Hand Advantage in a Self-Face Recognition Task, Julian Keenan, Bruce McCutcheon, Stefanie Freund, Gordon G. Gallup, Glenn Sanders, and Alvaro Pascual-Leone (1999)

The Role of Area 17 in Visual Imagery Convergent Evidence from PET and rTMS, S. M. Kosslyn, A. Pascual-Leone, O. Felician, S. Camposano, Julian Keenan, W. L. Thompson, G. Ganis, K. E. Sukel, and N. M. Alpert (1999)

Effect of Selenium on the Growth of the Cyanobacterium Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, Sean Murray, and Stephen Koepp (1999)

Transcription Factors in Neuroendocrine Regulation: Rhythmic Changes in Pcreb and ICER Levels Frame Melatonin Synthesis, Erik Maronde, Martina Pfeffer, James Olcese, Carlos Molina, Florence Schlotter, Faramarz Dehghani, Horst Werner Korf, and Jörg H. Stehle (1999)


The 'Significant Others' of American Kestrels: Cohabitation with Arthropods, Jeffrey P. Neubig and John Smallwood (1999)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation: Studying the Brain-Behaviour Relationship By Induction of 'Virtual Lesions', Alvaro Pascual-Leone, David Bartres-Faz, and Julian Keenan (1999)

Inducible Cyclic AMP Early Repressor Protein in Rat Pinealocytes: A Highly Sensitive Natural Reporter for Regulated Gene Transcription, Martina Pfeffer, Erik Maronde, Carlos Molina, Horst Werner Korf, and Jörg H. Stehle (1999)

Transcriptional Up-Regulation of the Cyclin D2 Gene and Acquisition of New Cyclin-Dependent Kinase Partners in Human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type 1- Infected Cells, Francisco Santiago, Elizabeth Clark, Siewyen Chong, Carlos Molina, Fariba Mozafari, Renaud Mahieux, Masahiro Fujii, Nazli Azimi, and Fatah Kashanchi (1999)

Clinal Variation in the Juvenal Plumage of American Kestrels, John Smallwood, Christopher Natale, Karen Steenhof, Michael Meetz, Carl D. Marti, Richard J. Melvin, Gary R. Bortolotti, Robert Robertson, Susan Robertson, William R. Shuford, Stacy A. Lindemann, and Brad Tornwall (1999)

Overshooting Cytosolic Ca2+ Signals Evoked By Capacitative Ca2+ Entry Result from Delayed Stimulation of a Plasma Membrane Ca2+ Pump, Vladislav Snitsarev and C. W. Taylor (1999)

The Effect of Defoliation Intensity and History on Photosynthesis, Growth and Carbon Reserves of Two Conifers with Contrasting Leaf Lifespans and Growth Habits, Dirk Vanderklein and Peter B. Reich (1999)

Submissions from 1998

Growth, Production, and Reproduction in Bay Scallops Argopecten Irradians Concentricus (Say) from the Northern Gulf of Mexico, Paul Bologna (1998)

Salt Gland Secretion By an Intertidal Lizard, Uta Tumidarostra, Lisa Hazard, Vaughan H. Shoemaker, and L. Lee Grismer (1998)

Experience and Early Findings Using Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) During Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Fmri) in Humans, J. R. Ives, A. P. Leone, Q. Chen, G. Schlaug, Julian Keenan, and R. R. Edelman (1998)

Satterthwaite Corrections for Homogeneity of Variance Assumption Failures in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging for a Simple Motor Task, Julian Keenan, J. R. Ives, K. Anand, J. Cousins, and A. Pascual- Leone (1998)

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Neuroplasticity, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Francisco Tarazona, Julian Montclair State University Keenan, Jose M. Tormos, Roy Hamilton, and Maria D. Catala (1998)

Study and Modulation of Human Cortical Excitability with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, Alvaro Pascual-Leone, Jose M. Tormos, Julian Keenan, Francisco Tarazona, Carlos Cañete, and Maria D. Catalá (1998)

ICER-Ilγ Is a Tumor Suppressor that Mediates the Antiproliferative Activity of Camp, Reza Razavi, Juan C. Ramos, Ghassan Yehia, Florence Schlotter, and Carlos Molina (1998)

Close Association of RGR, Leaf and Root Morphology, Seed Mass and Shade Tolerance in Seedlings of Nine Boreal Tree Species Grown in High and Low Light, P. B. Reich, M. G. Tjoelker, M. B. Walters, Dirk Vanderklein, and C. Buschena (1998)

Photosynthesis and Respiration Rates Depend on Leaf and Root Morphology and Nitrogen Concentration in Nine Boreal Tree Species Differing in Relative Growth Rate, P. B. Reich, M. B. Walters, M. G. Tjoelker, Dirk Vanderklein, and C. Buschena (1998)

Seasonal Shifts in Sex Ratios of Fledgling American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius Paulus)the Early Bird Hypothesis, Peter D. Smallwood and John Smallwood (1998)

Submissions from 1997

A cDNA Encodes the Drosophila Homolog of Yeast 60S Ribosomal Protein YL43, Marty Fox and John Gaynor (1997)

Identification of a Drosophila 60S Ribosomal Protein, John Gaynor and Martin G. Fox (1997)

Red Light-Induced Membrane Potential Transients in the Moss Physcomitrella Patension Channel Interaction in Phytochrome Signalling, Eva Johannes, Elena Petroff, and Dale Sanders (1997)

The Effects of Family History, Sobriety Length, and Drinking History in Younger Alcoholics on P300 Auditory-Evoked Potentials, Julian Keenan, Phyllis R. Freeman, and Richard Harrell (1997)

Attributions of Deception in Human Mating Strategies, Julian Keenan, Gordon G. Gallup, Nicole Goulet, and Mrinmoyi Kulkarni (1997)

Ectopic ICER Expression in Pituitary Corticotroph Att20 Cells: Effects on Morphology, Cell Cycle, and Hormonal Production, Monica Lamas, Carlos Molina, Nicholas S. Foulkes, Erik Jansen, and Paolo Sassone-Corsi (1997)

Juvenal Plumage Characteristics of Male Southeastern American Kestrels (Falco Sparverius Paulus), Karl E. Miller and John Smallwood (1997)

Natal Dispersal and Philopatry of Southeastern American Kestrels in Florida, Karl E. Miller and John Smallwood (1997)

Ionic Mechanism and Role of Phytochrome-Mediated Membrane Depolarisation in Caulonemal Side Branch Initial Formation in the Moss Physcomitrella Patens, Elena Petroff, Dale Sanders, and Eva Johannes (1997)

Effect of Mercury on the Growth of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii, C. Weiss-Magasic, Bonnie Lustigman, and Lee Lee (1997)

Submissions from 1996

Isolation and Characterization of Mutants of Arabidopsis Thaliana with Increased Resistance to Growth Inhibition By Indoleacetic Acid-Amino Acid Conjugates, James Campanella, Jutta Ludwig-Mueller, and Christopher D. Town (1996)

Uptake of Bacteriophage Λ DNA in Escherichia Coli By Electroporation: An Alternative to in Vitro Packaging, John Gaynor and Martin G. Fox (1996)


Post-Conflict Behavior in Japanese Macaques at the Indianapolis Zoo: Age of Opponents Influences Reconciliation, Scott Kight (1996)

Effect of Barium and Nickel on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee and Bonnie Lustigman (1996)

Calcium-Dependent Membrane Depolarisation Activated By Phytochrome in the Moss Physcomitrella Patens, Elena Petroff, Helmuth Hohmeyer, Eva Johannes, and Dale Sanders (1996)

Endogenous Heavy Metal Ions Perturb Fura-2 Measurements of Basal and Hormone-Evoked Ca2+ Signals, Vladislav Snitsarev, Tracy J. McNulty, and Colin W. Taylor (1996)

Submissions from 1995


Cell Cycle Regulation of Cyclin a Gene Expression By the Cyclic AMP- Responsive Transcription Factors CREB and CREM, C. Desdouets, G. Matesic, Carlos Molina, N. S. Foulkes, P. Sassone-Corsi, C. Brechot, and J. Sobczak-Thepot (1995)

Effects of Nickel and Ph on the Growth of Chlorella Vulgaris, Bonnie Lustigman, Lee Lee, and A. Khalil (1995)

Effects of Cobalt and Ph on the Growth of Chlamydomonas Reinhardtii, Bonnie Lustigman, Lee Lee, and C. Weiss-Magasic (1995)

Mechanism of Pyrithione-Induced Membrane Depolarization in Neurospora Crassa, Elena Petroff and D. Sanders (1995)

Submissions from 1994

Complexity and Versatility of the Transcriptional Response to Camp, V. Delmas, Carlos Molina, Enzo Lalli, R. de Groot, N. S. Foulkes, D. Masquilier, and P. Sassone-Corsi (1994)

Metabolic Events During Programmed Cell Death in Insect Labial Glands., Reginald Halaby, Z. Zakeri, and R. A. Lockshin (1994)

Effect of Manganese and Zinc on the Growth of Anacystis Nidulans, Lee Lee, Bonnie Lustigman, and D. Dandorf (1994)

Use of Radiation-Induced Tumors to Study Growth Control in Arabidopsis, Christopher D. Town, B. R. Campell, S. M. Persinger, and James Campanella (1994)