Editorial Board | Emerging Learning Design Journal | Journals | Montclair State University

The Emerging Learning Design Journal


AJ Kelton, Montclair State University

Jerry Alan Fails, Boise State University

Maaike Bouwmeester, New York University

Associate Editor

Teresa Slobuski, Penn State Brandywine

ELDJ Submission Guidelines

The mission of the Emerging Learning Design Journal is to promote scholarly communication in the new emerging learning design field and present best practices in design and implementation by offering articles that present engaging and dynamic approaches to pedagogy and how technology can better enhance it.

Editorial Policy

The Emerging Learning Design Journal invites submissions of articles for publication in pertinent areas to the mission. The journal accepts four forms of articles:

1. Invited submissions (driven by keynote speakers from that years ELD Conference)

2. Research-based Peer-Reviewed Submissions

3. Theoretical or Experience based Peer-Reviewed Submissions

4. Manuscripts that express an opinion, perspective, or viewpoint about a matter of importance to Emerging Learning Design

ELDj requires authors to reveal any possible conflict of interest in the conduct and reporting of research (e.g. financial interests in a test or procedure or a technology, funding by a specific vendor etc). Papers are considered for publication with the understanding that they have not been published elsewhere and are not under consideration by any other publication

Manuscripts may have been prepared initially for presentation at the Emerging Learning and Design conference or may have been written explicitly for the Journal

Double-Blind Review

ELDJ uses double-blind review process. Reviewers are selected from consenting ELD members. Membership is free. Click this link to sign up for your free membership