The Emerging Learning Design Journal
Most Popular Papers *
What’s Mine is YOURLS
Kimberly R. Abrams and Junior Tidal
LXD: Ten Critical Differences Between LX and UX
Jeffrey Bergin
Participatory Culture as a Model for How New Media Technologies Can Change Public Schools
Rich Halverson, Julie Kallio, Sarah Hackett, and Erica Halverson
Spotlighting Innovative Use Cases of Mobile Learning
Alex Rockey, Samantha Eastman, Mindy Colin, and Margaret Merrill
Empathetic Design Thinking to Fuel your Learning Experience Design
Erin Scully and Kinta D. Montilus
Schools as Providing Transformational Goods
Sasha Barab
Embedding Self-Management into Mobile Learning Experiences
Kinta D. Montilus and Tiantian Jin
* Based on the average number of full-text downloads per day since the paper was posted.
» Updated as of 09/14/23.