Submissions from 2005
Adaptation of a Pocket PC for Use as a Wearable Voice Dosimeter, Peter Popolo, Jan G. Švec, and Ingo R. Titze (2005)
Estimation of Sound Pressure Levels of Voiced Speech from Skin Vibration of the Neck, Jan G. Švec, Ingo R. Titze, and Peter Popolo (2005)
The Development of Expressive Elaboration in Fictional Narratives, Teresa A. Ukrainetz, Laura M. Justice, Joan N. Kaderavek, Sarita Eisenberg, Ronald B. Gillam, and Heide M. Harm (2005)
Perception of Auditory Movement in Children with Poor Listening Skills: An ERP Study, Ilse Wambacq, Kelly J. Shea-Miller, Anne M. Eckert, and Virginia Toth (2005)
Submissions from 2004
Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Anomia in Two Fluent Aphasia Syndromes, Mary Boyle (2004)
Production of Infinitives By 5-Year-Old Children with Language-Impairment on an Elicitation Task, Sarita Eisenberg (2004)
Structured Communicative Play Therapy for Targeting Language in Young Children, Sarita Eisenberg (2004)
School-Age Children's Self-Assessment of Oral Narrative Production, Joan N. Kaderavek, Ronald B. Gillam, Teresa A. Ukrainetz, Laura M. Justice, and Sarita Eisenberg (2004)
Seton Hall University Doctor of Science Degree Program: Clinical Doctorate in Audiology, Janet Koehnke, Joan Besing, Kelly Shea-Miller, and Brett Martin (2004)
ERP Evidence of a Dichotic Left-Ear Deficit in some Dyslexic Children, Deborah Moncrieff, James Jerger, Ilse Wambacq, Ralf Greenwald, and Jeffrey Black (2004)
Effects of Reverberation on Fusion of Lead and Lag Noise Burst Stimuli, Richard A. Roberts, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (2004)
Interference and Enhancement Effects on Interaural Time Discrimination and Level Discrimination in Listeners with Normal Hearing and Those with Hearing Loss, Laura Smith-Olinde, Joan Besing, and Janet Koehnke (2004)
Auditory Event-Related Potentials (P300) in the Identification of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures, Ilse Wambacq and Abuhuziefa Abubakr (2004)
Processing of Affective Prosody and Lexical-Semantics in Spoken Utterances as Differentiated by Event-Related Potentials, Ilse Wambacq and James F. Jerger (2004)
Non-Voluntary and Voluntary Processing of Emotional Prosody: An Event-Related Potentials Study, Ilse Wambacq, Kelly J. Shea-Miller, and Abuhuziefa Abubakr (2004)
Submissions from 2003
The Localizing Value of Auditory Event-Related Potentials (P300) in Patients with Medically Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Abuhuziefa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2003)
Production of Infinitival Object Complements in the Conversational Speech of 5-Year-Old Children with Language-Impairment, Sarita Eisenberg (2003)
Effects of Noise and Reverberation on the Precedence Effect in Listeners with Normal Hearing and Impaired Hearing, Richard A. Roberts, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (2003)
Measurement of Vocal Doses in Speech: Experimental Procedure and Signal Processing, Jan G. Švec, Peter Popolo, and Ingo R. Titze (2003)
Vocal Dose Measures: Quantifying Accumulated Vibration Exposure in Vocal Fold Tissues, Ingo R. Titze, Jan G. Švec, and Peter Popolo (2003)
Submissions from 2002
Interpretation of Relative Clauses By Young Children: Another Look, Sarita Eisenberg (2002)
Effects of Age and Frequency Disparity on Gap Discrimination, Jennifer Lister, Joan Besing, and Janet Koehnke (2002)
Effects of Hearing Loss on Echo Thresholds, Richard A. Roberts, Joan Besing, and Janet Koehnke (2002)
Submissions from 2001
The Use of Mlu for Identifying Language Impairment in Preschool Children: A Review, Sarita Eisenberg, Tara Mc Govern Fersko, and Cheryl Lundgren (2001)
The Effects of Aging on Binaural and Spatial Hearing, Janet Koehnke and Joan Besing (2001)
Submissions from 2000
Resource Reviews, Joan Besing (2000)
Semantic Feature Analysis as a Treatment for Aphasic Dysnomia: A Replication, Carl A. Coelho, Regina E. Mchugh, and Mary Boyle (2000)
Toward a More Ecologically Valid Measure of Speech Understanding in Background Noise, J. Jerger, R. Greenwald, Ilse Wambacq, A. Seipel, and Deborah Moncrieff (2000)
Binaural Gap Duration Discrimination in Listeners with Impaired Hearing and Normal Hearing, Jennifer J. Lister, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (2000)
Submissions from 1999
What's in a Name? Not Much if it's not Well Defined, Mary Boyle (1999)
Cognitive-Communicative Disorders of Right Cerebrovascular Accident Patients and Reimbursement for Treatment, Mary Boyle and Shari Strikowsky-Harvey (1999)
Assessment of Binaural and Spatial Hearing, Janet Koehnke and Joan Besing (1999)
Rhabdomyoma of the True Vocal Fold, James LaBagnara, Elaine Hitchcock, and Tamela Spitzer (1999)
Submissions from 1998
Spatial Audiometry: Detection of Spondaic Words in Noise., K. Abouchacra, T. Letowski, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (1998)
Contemporary Approaches to Audiological Assessment in Young Children, Joan Besing, Janet Koehnke, Kim Abouchacra, and Tomasz Letowski (1998)
Effects of Sensorineural Hearing Loss on Interaural Discrimination and Virtual Localization, Laura Smith-Olinde, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (1998)
Submissions from 1997
Investigating Children's Language: A Comparison of Conversational Sampling and Elicited Production, Sarita Eisenberg (1997)
Clinical Applications of 3-D Auditory Tests, Janet Koehnke and Joan Besing (1997)
Submissions from 1996
A Procedure for Testing Speech Intelligibility in a Virtual Listening Environment, Janet Koehnke and Joan Besing (1996)
Submissions from 1995
A Test of Virtual Auditory Localization, Joan Besing and Janet Koehnke (1995)
A Comparison of Auditory and Tactual Presentation of a Single-Band Envelope Cue as a Supplement to Speechreading, Joan Besing, C. M. Reed, and N. I. Durlach (1995)
Effects of Reference Interaural Time and Intensity Differences on Binaural Performance in Listeners with Normal and Impaired Hearing, Janet Koehnke, Carrin Passaro Culotta, Monica L. Hawley, and H. Steven Colburn (1995)
Submissions from 1994
The Development of Infinitives from Three to Five, Sarita Eisenberg and Helen S. Cairns (1994)
Submissions from 1992
Frequency Dependence of Binaural Performance in Listeners with Impaired Binaural Hearing, Kaigham J. Gabriel, Janet Koehnke, and H. Steven Colburn (1992)
Effects of Roving Level Variation on Monaural Detection with a Contralateral Cue, Janet Koehnke and Joan Besing (1992)
Submissions from 1991
Word Fluency Tasks: A Preliminary Analysis of Variability, Mary Boyle, Carl A. Coelho, and Michael L. Kimbarow (1991)
When do Children avoid Backwards Coreference ?*, Jennifer Ryan Hsu, Helen Smith Cairns, Sarita Eisenberg, and Gloria Schlisselberg (1991)
Fringed Correlation Discrimination and Binaural Detection, Manoj Jain, David T. Gallagher, Janet Koehnke, and H. Steven Colburn (1991)
Submissions from 1989
Control and Coreference in Early Child Language, Jennifer Ryan Hsu, Helen Smith Cairns, Sarita Eisenberg, and Gloria Schlisselberg (1989)
Submissions from 1987
Neuropsychological Analysis of a Typewriting Disturbance Following Cerebral Damage, Mary Boyle and Gerald J. Canter (1987)
Masking Effects in Binaural Detection and Interaural Time Discrimination, Janet Koehnke and Marion F. Cohen (1987)
Submissions from 1986
Performance in Several Binaural-Interaction Experiments, Janet Koehnke, H. Steven Colburn, and Nathaniel I. Durlach (1986)
Submissions from 1985
The Comparative Effects of Signal Sensation Level and Sound-Pressure Level on Interaural Time Discrimination, Janet Koehnke, Anne E. McClave, and Patricia Gregorio Pallanck (1985)
Submissions from 1982
Detection and Interaural Time Discrimination of a Sinusoid Masked By Interaurally Delayed White Noise, Marion F. Cohen and Janet Koehnke (1982)