Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders Faculty Scholarship and Creative Works | Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders | Montclair State University
Publications and creative works by faculty in the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, are collected here.


Submissions from 2024


How literacy coursework may change the perspectives of preservice speech-language pathologists: A pilot study., Robyn Becker (2024)


Mentorship of New(er) School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists Beyond the Clinical Fellowship: A Pilot Study, Robyn Becker (2024)

Submissions from 2022


Understanding the Experiences of Students Within Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology Programs: Perceptions About Their Educational Experiences, Robyn Becker (2022)


Implementing Service-Learning Projects for the First Time During the Pandemic: Two Instructors’ Inspiration, Motivation and Goals, Lesley Sylvan and Robyn Becker (2022)

Submissions from 2021


Coupling Articulatory Placement Strategies With Phonemic Awareness Instruction to Support Emergent Literacy Skills in Preschool Children: A Collaborative Approach, Robyn Becker and Lesley Sylvan (2021)


Computer-assisted challenge point intervention for residual speech errors., Tara Mc Allister Byun, Elaine R. Hitchcock, and Jose Ortiz (2021)


Creating a Theoretical Framework to Underpin Discourse Assessment and Intervention in Aphasia, Lucy Dipper, Jane Marshall, Mary Boyle, Deborah Hersh, Nicola Botting, and Madeline Cruice (2021)


Multi-Tiered Systems of Support : Implementation Tools for Speech-Language Pathologists in Education, Lesley Sylvan (2021)

Submissions from 2020


Auditory perception and ultrasound biofeedback treatment outcomes for children with residual/ɹ/distortions: A randomized controlled trial., Elaine R. Hitchcock and Elaine Hitchcock (2020)

Submissions from 2019


Speech Sound Disorder and Visual Biofeedback Intervention: A Preliminary Investigation of Treatment Intensity, Elaine Hitchcock, Michelle T. Swartz, and Melissa Lopez (2019)

Submissions from 2018


Enacted Stigma and Felt Stigma Experienced by Adults Who Stutter, Michael Boyle (2018)


Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, and Social Support as Predictors of Communicative Participation in Adults Who Stutter, Michael Boyle, Carolina Beita-Ell, Kathryn M. Milewski, and Alison N. Fearon (2018)


Self-Stigma and its Associations with Stress, Physical Health, and Health Care Satisfaction in Adults Who Stutter, Michael Boyle and Alison N. Fearon (2018)


Disclosure of Stuttering and Quality of Life in People who Stutter, Michael Boyle, Kathryn M. Milewski, and Carolina Beita-Ell (2018)


Selecting An Acoustic Correlate for Automated Measurement of American English Rhotic Production in Children, Heather Campbell, Daphna Harel, Elaine Hitchcock, and Tara McAllister Byun (2018)


Eliciting the Language Sample for Developmental Sentence Scoring: A Comparison of Play with Toys and Elicited Picture Description, Sarita Eisenberg, Ling Yu Guo, and Emily Mucchetti (2018)

Investigation of Flexible High-Speed Video Nasolaryngoscopy, Peter Popolo (2018)

Bringing Book Club to Class: Engaging College Students in Reading Content-Specific Books written for Popular Audiences, Lesley Sylvan (2018)

Similar Populations, Differing Service Levels: Exploring Factors That Drive Variability in the Provision of Speech-Language Services, Lesley Sylvan (2018)

Tiers to Communication Success: How can SLPS Join in the MTSS Framework many Schools are Adopting to Catch Students’ Special Education Needs Earlier and Provide Levels of Intervention?, Lesley Sylvan (2018)

Submissions from 2017

Using Neural Response Telemetry to Monitor Physiological Responses to Acoustic Stimulation in Hybrid Cochlear Implant Users, Paul J. Abbas, Viral D. Tejani, Rachel Scheperle, and Carolyn J. Brown (2017)


Semantic treatments for word and sentence production deficits in aphasia., Mary Boyle (2017)

Personal Perceptions and Perceived Public Opinion about Stuttering in the United States: Implications for Anti-Stigma Campaigns, Michael Boyle (2017)

Key Elements in Contact, Education, and Protest Based Anti-Stigma Programs for Stuttering, Michael Boyle, Lauren Dioguardi, and Julie E. Pate (2017)

Masked Visual Analysis: Minimizing Type I Error in Visually Guided Single-Case Design for Communication Disorders, Tara Mc Allister Byun, Elaine Hitchcock, and John Ferron (2017)

Finding the Experts in the Crowd: Validity and Reliability of Crowdsourced Measures of Children’s Gradient Speech Contrasts, Daphna Harel, Elaine Hitchcock, Daniel Szeredi, José Ortiz, and Tara McAllister Byun (2017)


Efficacy of Electropalatography for Treating Misarticulation of /r, Elaine Hitchcock, Tara McAllister Byun, Michelle Swartz, and Roberta Lazarus (2017)

Delayed Changes in Auditory Status in Cochlear Implant Users with Preserved Acoustic Hearing, Rachel Scheperle, Viral D. Tejani, Julia K. Omtvedt, Carolyn J. Brown, Paul J. Abbas, Marlan R. Hansen, Bruce J. Gantz, Jacob J. Oleson, and Marie V. Ozanne (2017)

Combined Effects of Noise and Reverberation on Sound Localization for Listeners with Normal Hearing and Bilateral Cochlear Implants, Yunfang Zheng, Janet Koehnke, and Joan Besing (2017)

Submissions from 2016

Diagnostic Value of Serum Prolactin Levels in PNES in the Epilepsy Monitoring Unit, Abuhuziefa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2016)

Relations Between Causal Attributions for Stuttering and Psychological Well-Being in Adults who Stutter, Michael Boyle (2016)

The Impact of Causal Attribution on Stigmatizing Attitudes Toward a Person Who Stutters, Michael Boyle (2016)

A Comparison of Three Strategies for Reducing the Public Stigma Associated with Stuttering, Michael Boyle, Lauren Dioguardi, and Julie E. Pate (2016)

Dual-Stage Algorithm to Identify Channels with Poor Electrode-to-Neuron Interface in Cochlear Implant Users, Stefano Cosentino, Lindsay De Vries, Rachel Scheperle, Julie Bierer, and Robert Carlyon (2016)

Assessing the Electrode-Neuron Interface with the Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential, Electrode Position, and Behavioral Thresholds, Lindsay DeVries, Rachel Scheperle, and Julie Arenberg Bierer (2016)

Using Language Sample Analysis in Clinical Practice: Measures of Grammatical Accuracy for Identifying Language Impairment in Preschool and School-Aged Children, Sarita Eisenberg and Ling Yu Guo (2016)

Exploring the Source of Neural Responses of Different Latencies Obtained from Different Recording Electrodes in Cochlear Implant Users, Akinori Kashio, Viral D. Tejani, Rachel Scheperle, Carolyn J. Brown, and Paul J. Abbas (2016)

Submissions from 2015

Stability of Word-Retrieval Errors with the AphasiaBank Stimuli, Mary Boyle (2015)

Identifying Correlates of Self-Stigma in Adults Who Stutter: Further Establishing the Construct Validity of the Self-Stigma of Stuttering Scale (4s), Michael Boyle (2015)

Relationships between Psychosocial Factors and Quality of Life for Adults who Stutter, Michael Boyle (2015)

Validating and Optimizing a Crowdsourced Method for Gradient Measures of Child Speech, Tara Mc Allister Byun, Elaine Hitchcock, and Daphna Harel (2015)


Sample Size for Measuring Grammaticality in Preschool Children from Picture Elicited Language Samples, Sarita Eisenberg and Ling Yu Guo (2015)

Sample Length affects the Reliability of Language Sample Measures in 3-Year-Olds: Evidence from Parent-Elicited Conversational Samples, Ling Yu Guo and Sarita Eisenberg (2015)

Social, Emotional, and Academic Impact of Residual Speech Errors in School-Aged Children: A Survey Study, Elaine Hitchcock, Daphna Harel, and Tara Mc Allister Byun (2015)

Longitudinal Observations of Typical English Voicing Acquisition in a 2-Year-Old Child: Stability of the Contrast and Considerations for Clinical Assessment, Elaine Hitchcock and Laura L. Koenig (2015)

Enhancing Generalisation in Biofeedback Intervention Using the Challenge Point Framework: A Case Study, Elaine Hitchcock and Tara Mcallister Byun (2015)

Already Gone: Though Undetectable with Testing, Hearing Decline Begins When We're in Our 40s and 50s. What Causes This Change, and How Can Clinicians Advise Clients Who Notice the Difference and Struggle with It in Everyday Listening Situations?, Janet Koehnke, Jennifer Lister, and Ilse Wambacq (2015)

The Effect of Background Babble on Working Memory in Young and Middle-Aged Adults, Michelle T. Neidleman, Ilse Wambacq, Joan Besing, Jaclyn B. Spitzer, and Janet Koehnke (2015)

Peripheral and Central Contributions to Cortical Responses in Cochlear Implant Users, Rachel Scheperle and Paul J. Abbas (2015)

Relationships among Peripheral and Central Electrophysiological Measures of Spatial and Spectral Selectivity and Speech Perception in Cochlear Implant Users, Rachel Scheperle and Paul J. Abbas (2015)

Submissions from 2014


Test-Retest Stability of Word Retrieval in Aphasic Discourse, Mary Boyle (2014)

Understanding Perceptions of Stuttering among School-Based Speech-Language Pathologists: An Application of Attribution Theory, Michael Boyle (2014)

Retroflex Versus Bunched in Treatment for Rhotic Misarticulation: Evidence from Ultrasound Biofeedback Intervention, Tara Mc Allister Byun, Elaine Hitchcock, and Michelle T. Swartz (2014)


What Works in Therapy: Further Thoughts on Improving Clinical Practice for Children with Language Disorders, Sarita Eisenberg (2014)

The Diagnostic Accuracy of Two Tense Measures for Identifying 3-Year-Olds with Language Impairment, Ling Yu Guo and Sarita Eisenberg (2014)

Adult Audiologic Rehabilitation, Joseph J. Montano and Jaclyn B. Spitzer (2014)

Submissions from 2013

Familiarity Breeds Support: Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions of Bullying of Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Gordon W. Blood, Ingrid M. Blood, Amy D. Coniglio, Erinn H. Finke, and Michael Boyle (2013)

Assessment of Stigma Associated with Stuttering: Development and Evaluation of the Self-Stigma of Stuttering Scale (4S), Michael Boyle (2013)

Psychological Characteristics and Perceptions of Stuttering of Adults Who Stutter with and without Support Group Experience, Michael Boyle (2013)

Grammar Intervention: Content and Procedures for Facilitating Children's Language Development, Sarita Eisenberg (2013)

Differentiating Children with and without Language Impairment based on Grammaticality, Sarita Eisenberg and Ling Yu Guo (2013)

The Effects of Data Reduction in Determining the Schedule of Voicing Acquisition in Young Children, Elaine Hitchcock and Laura L. Koenig (2013)

Submissions from 2012

How Grammatical are 3-Year-Olds?, Sarita Eisenberg, Ling Yu Guo, and Mor Germezia (2012)

Submissions from 2011

Sentence Recognition in the Presence of Competing Speech Messages Presented in Audiometric Booths with Reverberation Times of 0.4 and 0.6 Seconds, Kim S. Abouchacra, Janet Koehnke, Joan Besing, and Tomasz Letowski (2011)


The effects of reverberation on a listener's ability to recognize target sentences in the presence of up to three synchronized masking sentences., Joan Besing and Janet Koehnke (2011)

Self-Reported Experience of Bullying of Students Who Stutter: Relations with Life Satisfaction, Life Orientation, and Self-Esteem, Gordon W. Blood, Ingrid M. Blood, G. Michael Tramontana, Anna J. Sylvia, Michael Boyle, and Gina R. Motzko (2011)


Discourse Treatment for Word Retrieval Impairment in Aphasia: The Story So Far, Mary Boyle (2011)

Mindfulness Training in Stuttering Therapy: A Tutorial for Speech-Language Pathologists, Michael Boyle (2011)

Delays and Growth Rates of Multiple TEOAE Components, Shawn S. Goodman, Ian B. Mertes, and Rachel Scheperle (2011)

Towards a Self-Rating Tool of the Inability to Produce Soft Voice Based on Nonlinear Events: A Preliminary Study, Peter Popolo, Ingo R. Titze, and Eric J. Hunter (2011)

Neural Indices of Spoken Word Processing in Background Multi-Talker Babble, Laurie Romei, Ilse Wambacq, Joan Besing, Janet Koehnke, and James Jerger (2011)

Further Assessment of Forward Pressure Level for in Situ Calibration, Rachel Scheperle, Shawn S. Goodman, and Stephen T. Neely (2011)

Effects of Noise and Reverberation on Virtual Sound Localization for Listeners with Bilateral Cochlear Implants, Yunfang Zheng, Janet Koehnke, Joan Besing, and Jaclyn Spitzer (2011)

Submissions from 2010

The Efficacy of Routine Hyperventilation for Seizure Activation During Prolonged Video-Electroencephalography Monitoring, Abuhuziefa Abubakr, Iwuchukwu Ifeayni, and Ilse Wambacq (2010)

Bullying in Children Who Stutter: Speech-Language Pathologists' Perceptions and Intervention Strategies, Gordon W. Blood, Michael Boyle, Ingrid M. Blood, and Gina R. Nalesnik (2010)


Semantic Feature Analysis Treatment for Aphasic Word Retrieval Impairments: What's in a Name?, Mary Boyle (2010)

Using Standardized Tests to Inventory Consonant and Vowel Production: A Comparison of 11 Tests of Articulation and Phonology, Sarita Eisenberg and Elaine Hitchcock (2010)

Admiration for Virtue: Neuroscientific Perspectives on a Motivating Emotion, Mary Helen Immordino-Yang and Lesley Sylvan (2010)


Understanding the Role of Neuroscience in Brain Based Products: A Guide for Educators and Consumers, Lesley Sylvan and Joanna A. Christodoulou (2010)

Submissions from 2009

Clinical Application of the Synchronized Sentence Set (S3), Kim S. Abouchacra, Tomasz Letowski, Joan Besing, and Janet Koehnke (2009)

Effects of Perceived Causality on Perceptions of Persons Who Stutter, Michael Boyle, Gordon W. Blood, and Ingrid M. Blood (2009)

Processing Interaural Cues in Sound Segregation by Young and Middle-Aged Brains, Ilse Wambacq, Janet Koehnke, Joan Besing, Laurie L. Romei, Ann Marie DePierro, and David Cooper (2009)

Submissions from 2008

Long-Term Outcome of Vagus Nerve Stimulation Therapy in Patients with Refractory Epilepsy, Abuhuziefa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2008)

Noun Phrase Elaboration in Children's Spoken Stories, Sarita Eisenberg, Teresa A. Ukrainetz, Jennifer R. Hsu, Joan N. Kaderavek, Laura M. Justice, and Ronald B. Gillam (2008)

Qualification of a Quantitative Laryngeal Imaging System Using Videostroboscopy and Videokymography, Peter Popolo and Ingo R. Titze (2008)


Translational Research in Aphasia: From Neuroscience to Neurorehabilitation, Anastasia M. Raymer, Pelagie Beeson, Audrey Holland, Diane Kendall, Lynn M. Maher, Nadine Martin, Laura Murray, Miranda Rose, Cynthia K. Thompson, Lyn Turkstra, Lori Altmann, Mary Boyle, Tim Conway, William Hula, Kevin Kearns, Brenda Rapp, Nina Simmons-Mackie, and Leslie J. Gonzalez Rothi (2008)

Extraction of Electric Network Frequency Signals from Recordings Made in a Controlled Magnetic Field, Richard W. Sanders and Peter Popolo (2008)

Influence of in Situ, Sound-Level Calibration on Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emission Variability, Rachel Scheperle, Stephen T. Neely, Judy G. Kopun, and Michael P. Gorga (2008)


Nonlinear Source-Filter Coupling in Phonation: Vocal Exercises, Ingo Titze, Tobias Riede, and Peter Popolo (2008)

Submissions from 2007

Quantifying the Speaking Voice: Generating a Speaker Code as a Means of Speaker Identification Using a Simple Code-Matching Technique, Peter Popolo, Richard W. Sanders, and Ingo R. Titze (2007)

Relating Vocal Fold Amplitude of Vibration to Skin Accelation Level on the Anterior Neck, Peter Popolo and I. R. Titze (2007)

Auditory Evoked Potentials in the Detection of Interaural Intensity Differences in Children and Adults, Ilse Wambacq, Janet Koehnke, Kelly J. Shea-Miller, Joan Besing, Virginia Toth, and Abuhuziefa Abubakr (2007)

Submissions from 2006

Early Otitis Media with Effusion, Hearing Loss, and Auditory Processes at School Age, Judith S. Gravel, Joanne E. Roberts, Jackson Roush, John Grose, Joan Besing, Margaret Burchinal, Eloise Neebe, Ina F. Wallace, and Susan Zeisel (2006)

The Index of Narrative Microstructure: A Clinical Tool for Analyzing School-Age Children's Narrative Performances, Laura M. Justice, Ryan P. Bowles, Joan N. Kaderavek, Teresa A. Ukrainetz, Sarita Eisenberg, and Ronald B. Gillam (2006)

Effects of Bilingualism, Noise, and Reverberation on Speech Perception by Listeners with Normal Hearing, Catherine L. Rogers, Jennifer J. Lister, Dashielle M. Febo, Joan Besing, and Harvey B. Abrams (2006)

Submissions from 2005

The Localizing Value of Focal Delta Slowing in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy, Abuhuzeifa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2005)

Seizures in the Elderly: Video/EEG Monitoring Analysis, Abuhuziefa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2005)

The Diagnostic Value of EEGs in Patients with Syncope, Abuhuziefa Abubakr and Ilse Wambacq (2005)

The Presence of Polyglucos: An Bodies in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: Its Role and Significance, Abuhuziefa Abubakr, Ilse Wambacq, John E. Donahue, and Rosario Zappulla (2005)

When Conversation Is Not Enough: Assessing Infinitival Complements Through Elicitation, Sarita Eisenberg (2005)