Undocumented Young Adults Navigating Liminal Space to Carve Their Futures in The U.S., Ismat Abbas (2023)
“An Eye Opener” : The Meaning of Latin@ College Students’ Experiences in a Bilingual Latin@ Family Class, Gloria A. Andrade (2018)
A Critical Exploration of Ideology and Agency in Intensive Motherhood Literature, Maya Autret (2022)
Latino/a Adults with Down Syndrome Make Sense of Family While Growing Up in a Bilingual Home, Linda M. Baron Cortes (2021)
The Culture of Nondisclosure of Sexual Abuse, Veronica R. Barrios (2018)
Community-Based Programs as Spaces for Critical Consciousness, Not Containment : Exploring the Perspectives of Black Youth, Carrie Bergeson (2022)
Queer Survivors of Intimate Partner Violence : Developing Queer Theory and Practice for Responsive Service Provision, Autumn M. Bermea (2019)
The Influence of Heteronormativity on Sexual Health Disparities in Queer and Heterosexual Women, Jacqueline Bible (2020)
"People Think It's Easy Because I Smile, But It's Not Easy" : A Phenomenological Study of Single Parents/Guardians Raising an Adolescent Who is Enrolled in Special Education and Engaging in Risk Behaviors, Shaniqua J. Bradley (2020)
Assessing the Association of Acculturation, Racial Discrimination, Social Support, and Breastfeeding Intention with Postpartum Depression: Findings from the 2012-2014 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System Among Latinas, Diana L. Cabezas (2021)
From Social Exclusion to Social Inclusion : A Feminist Action Research Intervention for Low Income Latina Mothers, Diana Cedeño (2020)
Promoting Community-Based Affirmation for Diverse LGBTQ+ Youth, Lisa M. Chauveron (2019)
The Impact of Social Support, School Connectedness, and Community Organization on Academic Achievement Among Black & Hispanic Adolescents in an Urban Low-Income School District, Stephanie M. Compasso (2020)
Exploring the Needs of College Students Experiencing Housing Instability, Sandy D. Dawoud (2024)
Who gets it right? A critical policy analysis of United States' and Finland's maternity leave policies, Carlee Denholtz (2024)
Exploring Female Genital Mutilation Practice Among West African Immigrants in the United States: A Community-Based Participatory Action Research Study, Kani Diop (2018)
Adolescent Cognition as a Dynamic System : Examining Complex Cognition, Concepts and Context, Rachael R. Doubledee (2022)
Nurturing Black Girls: A Phenomenological Exploration of Black Girls' Mental Health and Their Lived Experiences with Racial Discrimination in Schools, Marline Francois (2024)
The Influence of Community Trauma and the Behaviors of Gang Members, Leshelle Franklin (2023)
Leaders of the New School: Exploring the Origins of Leadership Qualities in First Generation Black Male College Students, Rahjaun J. Gordon (2021)
Suicide in Younger and Older Adults : A Comparison of Two Theoretical Models for Suicide, John F. Gunn III (2019)
The Importance of Framing the Context of Black/African Americans' Livelihood to Enhance Health Outcomes and Mitigate Health Inequalities, Elvis Gyan (2024)
Lift Every Voice : Black High School Students’ Lived Experiences with Racism and Discrimination Through a Critical Race Theory Lens, Lucinda Harris (2022)
Daughters of Depression : A Critical-Hermeneutic Phenomenological Examination of Adult Black Women’s Experiences with Strong Black Woman’s Role When Mothered by Women with Perceived Depression, Christin D. Haynes (2023)
Development of a Thwarted Belonging Measure in Older Adults: An Application to Neighborhood Context and the Moderating Role of Neuroticism, Jaclyn Elisa Keenoy (2024)
Substance Use Among Urban Adolescents of Color : Exploring the Effects of Ethnic Identity, Psychological Empowerment, and Race, David T. Lardier Jr. (2017)
Sibling Relationship Quality and Its Link to Flourishing Among Emerging Adults, Shannon P. Lummer-Aikey (2021)
Examining the Role of Epistemic Cognition in Teacher Learning and Facilitation of Inquiry Dialogue, Sirine Mabrouk-Hattab (2019)
Refugee Resettlement in America : Exploring The Attitudes and Perceptions of Resettlement Workers and Adolescents, Marisa C. MacDonnell (2019)
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Undergraduate College Students, Rebecca C. Madson (2024)
Impact of Family Expectations on the Marital Practices of Haitian-American Couples, Kencia Mele (2022)
The Lasting Impact of Childhood Maltreatment on Parenting: A Qualitative Study, Leslie K. Moorman (2025)
A Post-Intentional Phenomenological Exploration of a Sense of Safety in Three-Generation Low-Income Families, Kaitlin Brigid Mulcahy (2019)
"It was Just Ugly and Uncomfortable" : A Phenomenological Study of Intergenerational Transmission Among Adult Children of Divorce, Carly A. Nacer (2017)
Exploring the Role of Social Support, Ethnic Identity, and Psychological Empowerment on Drug Use and Sexual Risk Behavior Among Black & Hispanic Female Adolescents, Ijeoma Opara (2019)
Parental Influences on Korean Youth Academic-and Career-Related Motivation During the Transition to Tertiary Educational Settings : A Situated Expectancy-Value Theory Approach, Jeanie Park (2023)
Young Adult Future Outlook in the Context of Parent Advice, Parent-Young Adult Closeness, and Young Adult Ability Self-Concept, Jennifer A. Pax (2020)
Disrupting the school to prison pipeline: the potential of preservice teachers in advancing social justice education through critical consciousness, Paula B. Perrone (2024)
How Exposure to Poverty Related Issues in the Classroom Affects Students’ Attitudes and Interactions with Their Social Environment, Rocco Placenti (2022)
Work-Family Dynamics Among Working Mothers in the United States, M. Hassan Raza (2017)
Exploring Trauma, Loss, and Posttraumatic Growth in Poles Who Survived the Second World War and Their Descendants, Alexandra Rush (2021)
Tag-Team Back Again : Using Memory as Method to Understand the Intergenerational Transmission of Egalitarian Parenting in My Black Family, Rebecca M. Swann (2020)
For the Culture : Using Ethnographic Interviews to Describe the Attempts and Strategies Used by Black, First-Generation, Female, College Students to Combine Family, Community, and College Life, Fatimah Turner (2022)
Black First-Generation Professionals : Leaders that You Never Heard of Before, An Exploratory Study of Lived Experiences, Duane A. Williams (2022)
The Beginning : Exploring Educational Experiences of Black Boys in State-Funded Preschools, Keisha M. Wint (2020)
“It Was Like Double Damage” : An Exploration of Clergy-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse, Institutional Response, and Posttraumatic Growth, Krystal Lynne Woolston (2023)
Korean American Immigrant Mothers’ Child Launching Experiences : Understanding of Parenting and Mother-Child Relationships in Midlife, Soo-Bin You (2020)
Reflections of Young Adults on the Loss of a Parent in Childhood, Eva Apelian (2017)
Hooking Up, Romantic Relationship Self-Efficacy, and Attitudes Toward Marriage, Jacqueline Bible (2016)
Familism and Psychological Well-Being Among College-Attending Young Adults : Examining Multiple Mediation and Moderated Mediation Effects, Yiting Cai (2016)
Risk Factors and Impacts of Female Genital Mutilation Practice in Senegal, Mame Kani Diop (2013)
Taking on the Immigration Paradox : Hispanic Parental Involvement, Ailiceth Espinal (2017)
The Relationship Between Adolescent Sense of Purpose, Poster Quality, and Intentional Self-Regulation, Lauren Nazareth Gama (2016)
Correlates of Depressive Symptoms in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer, Melissa Miller (2016)
Experiences of Mothers of Children with Autism and Aggression : The Process of Becoming "Super-Copers", Christine Peters (2014)
A Qualitative Analysis of 4-H Program Logic Models, Stephanie Phelan (2013)
College Students' Attitude Toward Single Mothers in Poverty, Rocco Placenti (2016)
Immigration Experiences : Maintenance and Promotion of Cultural Values Among Asian Indian Women and Their Children, Harshi Shah (2018)
Siblings and Discrimination : A Qualitative Exploration, Jessica L. Szweada (2013)
Parental Perceptions of Including Children in Family Member's End of Life Care and at the Funeral Services, Yuki Takahashi (2017)
Association Between Participation in Organized Sports and Positive Youth Development Among Grade School Students, Jennifer Wilenta (2014)
Breastfeeding Matters : Infant Feeding Decision Making and Mothering Sense of Competence Among Korean American Mothers, Soo-Bin You (2016)