How Do Manipulatives Help Students Communicate Their Understanding of Double-Digit Subtraction?, Rabab Abi-Hanna (2016)
The Effects of Using Diagramming as a Representational Technique on High School Students' Achievement in Solving Math Word Problems, Banmali Banerjee (2010)
Examining Students’ Covariational Reasoning Through Mathematical Modeling Activities Embedded in the Context of the Greenhouse Effect, Debasmita Basu (2019)
Video Case Materials and the Development of Collective Professional Knowledge, Victoria D. Bonaccorso (2020)
The Effect of Using a Problem/Project-Based, Document Driven Unit of Instruction, on High School Students' Achievement on the Data Analysis Cluster of the HSPA and on Their Attitude Toward Mathematics and Data Analysis, Joy Cunningham Brokes (2010)
The Use of the Graphing Calculator to Support the Learning of the Function Concept by Students with Learning Disabilities in a Mathematics Classroom, Diane Carluccio (2005)
Factors that Produce and Reduce Mathematics Anxiety as Perceived by Seventh Grade Females : A Qualitative Study, Martha Baklarz Croley (2003)
Characterizing the "Realistic-ness" of Word Problems in Secondary Mathematics Textbooks, Mary L. Dalton (2017)
One Teacher's Transformation of Practice Through the Development of Covariational Thinking and Reasoning in Algebra : A Self-Study, Jacqueline Dauplaise (2019)
Adult Learners, Learning Disabilities, and Mathematics : A Case Study, Marguerite Sheehan Flood (2017)
American Mathematical Association of Two Year Colleges Reform Policies in Practice : Implementing Standards in Classroom Instruction for Basic Skills Mathematics at One Four-Year College in New Jersey, Patricia J. Garruto (2012)
Investigating Elementary School Students’ Reasoning about Dynamic Angles, Erell Germia (2022)
The Development of Seventh Graders' Conceptual Understanding of Geometry and Spatial Visualization Abilities Using Mathematical Representations with Dynamic Models, Deborah L. Ives (2003)
The Role of Paradox in Argumentation and Concept Transformation in a Community of Mathematical Inquiry : A Dialectical Analysis, Nadia Stoyanova Kennedy (2005)
Secondary Teachers’ Noticing of Students’ Mathematical Thinking as They Participate in a Professional Development Program Centered on Task-Based Student Interviews, Gurkan Kose (2021)
The Study of Middle School Mathematics and Science Teachers' Practices, Perceptions, and Attitudes Related to Mathematics and Science Integration, Eliza Leszczynski (2014)
The Effect of Visually Enhanced Instructional Units on High School Calculus Students' Visualization Ability and Their Understanding of the Limit Concept, Apri A. Liajinian (2008)
Using Teacher Noticing and Video-Mediated Professional Learning to Develop Preservice Teachers’ Knowledge for Teaching the Derivative, Alfred M. Limbere (2022)
Teaching Social Justice Mathematics in a Privileged Setting, Rick McNamee (2013)
Serving Two Masters : A Study of Quantitative Literacy at Small Colleges and Universities, Jodie Ann Miller (2012)
Fostering Mathematical Creativity Among Middle School Mathematics Teachers, Ceire H. Monahan (2021)
Transitioning Secondary Mathematics Pedagogy Towards Reform-Oriented Practice Through Coteaching, Jessica Tybursky Nuzzi (2021)
Reform in Mathematical Education : "What do We Teach For and Against?", Marius Petric (2011)
Pre-Service Teachers’ Engagement in a Discourse about Integers from a Sfardian Perspective, Douglas M. Platt (2018)
The Relationship Between Studying Music and Mathematics Performance on the New Jersey High School Proficiency Assessment, Kristie L. Prokop (2011)
The Evolution of One Teacher's Interactions with Students Working in Small Groups to Improve Their Communication, Self-Regulating and Problem-Solving Skills, Sarah Quebec Fuentes (2009)
Adjunct Instructors’ Opportunities for Learning Through Engagement with a Research-Based Mathematics Curriculum, Zareen Gul Rahman (2018)
A Community of Learning in an Elementary School Mathematics Classroom, Megan Louise Roeder (2020)
Quantitative Literacy and High School Mathematics : The Evolution of a Collaboratively Constructed Course and Its Impact on Students' Attitudes and Numeracy, Mark Francis Russo (2014)
Metacognition and Mathematical Problem Solving : Case Studies of Six Seventh Grade Students, Michelle E. Sarver (2006)
An Interdisciplinary Approach to Secondary Math Class Activities : The Influence of Multiple Intelligences Inspired Tasks on Student Learning of Geometric Concepts, Janice-Lynn Nazziola Shuhan (2006)
A Community of Mathematical Inquiry in a High School Setting, Raymond Siegrist (2005)
A Study of Students' Perceptions About Their Attitude Toward Mathematics (ATM), Achievement in Mathematics (AIM), Factors that Influence ATM, and Suggestions to Improve ATM in a "Better Than Average" District, Laura Ann Clinton Sullivan (2009)
Evolving Teacher Pedagogy Through Implementation of Mathematical Modeling and Participation in Responsively Designed Professional Development, Geena Taite (2024)
The Role of Covariational Reasoning in Pre-Service Teachers’ Meanings for Quadratic and Exponential Relationships, Madhavi Vishnubhotla (2020)
The Nature of Undergraduate Calculus I Students' Participation in the Parallel Spaces of Coursework and Peer-Led, Cooperative, Inquiry-Oriented Complementary Instruction, Karmen T. Yu (2024)
From College Prep High School Courses To College Remedial Courses : Bridging the Gap, Tracy K. Abar (2008)
The Full Degree Spanning Tree Problem, Sarah Acquaviva (2023)
Analysis of Daily Precipitation Data from Selected Sites in the United States, Sahar Ahmed (2018)
Dynamics of Coupled Particles in a Time-Dependent, Double-Gyre Flow, Manuel Albrizzio (2018)
Enumeration of Independent Sets in Graphs, James Alexander (2012)
On the 3-Dimensional Fluid-Structure Interaction of Flexible Fibers in a Flow, Ryan Howard Allaire (2015)
Interlace Polynomials of Cycles with One Additional Chord, Jhonny Almeida (2018)
An Enthalpy Model for the Dynamics of a Deltaic System Under Base-Level Change, William Anderson (2018)
Bounds for the Number of Independent and Dominating Sets in Trees, Daniel K. Arabia (2020)
Inertial Particle Transport by Lagrangian Coherent Structures in Geophysical Flows, Alexa Aucoin (2018)
Strict Prime-Intersective Polynomials for a Fixed Prime Number, Rob Rexler Baello (2022)
Fluid Dynamics of Watercolor Painting : Experiments and Modelling, David Edward Baron (2017)
Identification of Dynamic Outliers, Kangkana Sarmah Baruah (2017)
Computing the Optimal Path in Stochastic Dynamical Systems, Martha Bauver (2016)
Design of Strips with Geometry Shapes and Mathematical Analysis, Somia Benali (2020)
Constructing Magic Squares of Squares Modulo Certain Prime Numbers, Nicholas Ryan Bilynsky (2017)
Migration and Mixing between Populations in Disease Models, David Burger (2009)
Capturing Low Probability of Disease Dynamics in Coupled Populations, Jackson Burton (2011)
Magnetoviscous Effects of Magnetized Particle Threads in Magnetized Ferrofluid, Alexander Francis Cali (2014)
Seasonal Switching Affects Bacterial-Fungal Dominance in an Ecological System, Kristin Carfora (2018)
The Dispersion Process for Particles on Graphs, Adam Cartisano (2018)
Object Detection and Image Categorization by Transferring Commonsense Knowledge with Premises and Quantifiers, Irina Chernyavsky (2023)
The Roller-Coaster Conjecture, Leslie A. Cheteyan (2011)
Simultaneous Seismic Imaging and Inversion Using an Inverse Scattering Algorithm for One Dimensional Media, Ashley Ciesla (2010)
An experimental and computational study on the dynamics of vertical axis wind turbines, Stephen Conte (2024)
Curriculum Connectivity in Montclair State University’s Undergraduate Mathematics Program, Ana G. Da Silva Jesus (2023)
Candy Sharing and Chip Firing Games on Graphs, Joseph DeGaetani (2018)
Polynomial Solutions to the Diophantine Equation x² + y³ = 6912z², Emel Demirel (2011)
Simulation Based Inference in Epidemic Models, Tejitha Dharmagadda (2020)
Nonlinear Gravitational-Wave Memory From Merging Binary Black Holes, Goran Dojcinoski (2015)
Quantum Mechanics for Non-Hermitian Hamiltonians with PT Symmetries, Gustavo D. Duarte (2017)
KdV Solitons in Direct Numerical Simulation of the Navier-Stokes Equation, Jake Dynes (2015)
Randic and Sum Connectivity Indices of Certain Trees, Jennifer L. Feiner (2011)
On the Effect of Temperature and Pressure Gradient on the Flow of Non-Homogeneous Fluids, Joseph Anthony Fiordilino (2014)
Dynamics of a Two Serotype Disease with Antibody Dependent Enhancement, Amy Fiorillo (2006)
An Investigation into Lagrangian Coherent Structure Detection for Low Reynolds Number Flows, Kyle Fitzsimmons (2016)
Use of Logic Game to Improve High School Students' Logical Reasoning Skills : Results of a Teaching Experiment, Frank Forte (2007)
Proper Connection of Bipartite Circulant Graphs, Melissa Marie Fuentes (2013)
The Effects of Using The Geometer’s Sketchpad on Student Learning of Transformations in the Coordinate Plane, LeeAnn Elizabeth Gennett (2007)
Trees in Connected Graphs, Ashish Gupta (2010)
Joint Modelling of Longitudinal Measurements and Time-To-Event Data : Application to HIV Study, Mirna Walid Halawani (2017)
The Persistence of Infectious Diseases in Metapopulations, Jonathan Calvin Hayes (2012)
Construction and Analysis of Magic Squares of Squares over Certain Finite Fields, Stewart Hengeveld (2012)
Interlace Polynomial of a Special Eulerian Graph, Christian A. Hyra (2015)
Partial Colorings of Graphs, Matthew Jakubowski (2014)
Modeling Magnetic Separation of Oil Spill Clean Up to Enhance Virtual Laboratory Learning in the Classroom, Kofi James (2014)
Understanding the Flow Structure of Low Reynolds Number Flows, Albert Jarvis (2018)
Sampling Studies for Longitudinal Functional Data, Toni Jassel (2019)
On God's Number(s) and the Rubik's Slide Extension, James F. Johnston III (2016)
Adjusted Empirical Likelihood Method for Comparison of Treatment Effects in Linear Model Setting, Xi Kang (2016)
Classifying Controversiality in Article Data, Kateryna Kaplun (2018)
Gravitational-Wave Memory from Black Hole and Neutron Star Mergers, Matthew Karlson (2018)
Magic Squares of Squares of Order Three Over Finite Fields, Giancarlo Labruna (2018)
Independent Dominating Sets in Unicyclic Graphs, Rachel Lopez (2022)
On the Number of Strong Dominating Sets in a Graph, Frankie Mennicucci (2024)
Geometrical Prediction Models of Visceral Adipose Tissue, Robert Cowell Moore (2014)
Magic Squares of Squares of Order 5 Modulo a Prime Number, Imani L. Mosquera (2022)
Thermalization and Initial State-Recurrence in Discrete KdV-like Lattices, Garrett Taylor Nieddu (2012)
Numerical Study of Body Shape and Wing Flexibility in Fluid Structure Interaction, Peter Nolan (2015)
A Network-Based Analysis of Student Learning Trajectories and Andragogical Design, John Kerry O’Meara (2022)
Magic Squares of Squares of Order 4 Over Certain Finite Fields, Drew O’Neill (2013)
Multicolor Bipartite Ramsey Numbers of Balanced Double Stars, Ella Oren-Dahan (2024)
Application of Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics to Pattern Selection in Fluid Solid Interaction, Blas J. Ortega (2016)
Spin Viscosity Effects in Planar Ferrofluid Couette Flow of Ferrofluids, Lucía Cataldo Ottieri (2017)