Meet the Team Behind MSYou!

College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Disruption Lab @CHSS

Peter Kingstone, Dean

Leslie WIlson, Associate Dean

Melissa Velez, Program Assistant, Psychology

Donna Meeker-O'Rourke, Program Specialist, Global Center on Human Trafficking

Kelly Mieth, Web and Digital Media Manager

Nir Tsuk, Innovation Fellow

Feliciano Center for Entreprenuership and Innovation

Iain Kerr, Co-Director of MIX Lab and Instructor of Innovation Design

Liz Rich, Acting Director, Feliciano Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Center for Community Engagement

Bryan Murdock, Director

Krystal Woolston, Assistant Director

Center for Leadership and Engagement

Duane Williams, Director

Jasey Bedoya, Assistant Director for Experience Montclair and Transition Programs

Sprague Library

Karen Ramsden, Research and Projects Specialist, Coordinator of the Institutional Repostory, and Research with Montclair

Darren Sweeper, Head Government Documents, and Research Services Librarian